Power Tools 1993 November - Disc 1
Power Tools Plus (Disc 1 of 2)(November 1993)(HP).iso
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New Software Tiers
System Software License MPE/iX User Licenses and Software Tiers
Maps into MPE/iX User Software
License Tier 0AF UCY UA9 UBD UCN UAT
When customers purchase sys- MPE/iX Lic. 8 20 32 40 64 100 128 160 256 384 UL
tem software, they simply pur- 917 X
chase the software tier that 927 X
maps into their MPE/iX user lic- 937xx X X X
ense. The different user license 947xx X X X
levels offered in MPE/iX (includ- 957xx X X X X X
ing some new ones, the 128, 256 967xx X X X X
and 384 user levels) map neatly 977xx X X X X
into six software tiers. See the 987xx X X X X
table at right. 990 X X X X X
992/xx X X X X
Old Tiers are Discontinued
and Replaced
Effective December 1 1992, The new user-based software tiers are: Old Return Credits Stay
tiers 310 through 350 are discon- 0AF 20 user license Customers that have purchased
tinued on the products that are UCY 40 user license software products under the old
using the user-based pricing UA9 64 user license hardware tier-based pricing that
method. Now customers should UBD 100 user license are now upgrading their soft-
order the user-based software UCN 160 user license ware can still use the return
tier that corresponds with their UAT unlimited user license credit option of the old pricing
MPE/iX user license. UD8 Credit for 20 user license arrrangement. They simply
UCZ Credit for 40 user license order the same return credit
The table at right shows the UB9 Credit for 64 user license option they would have ordered
correlation between MPE/iX UD9 Credit for 100 user license before (e.g. Opt. 0CD, 0GJ, etc.)
user licenses and the corre- UDV Credit for 160 user license along with the new user-based
sponding software tier. For ex- UBP Credit for unlimited user tier option. If the return credit
ample, customers who brought license amount exceeds the cost of the
either a 32-user or 40-user user-based tier, the excessive
MPE/iX license would buy soft- software credit must be cor-
ware products with the UCY rected. (See page 149.)
user tier.
The following is an example of Correcting Excessive Correcting these situations is
a customer who purchased a Software Credits quite simple. You merely deter-
Series 957 with a 100-user MPE/iX There are times when a cus- mine how much excessive
license last year. He also tomer will upgrade from one credit is on the order for each
purchased TurboSTORE/iX SPU to another SPU on a dif- software product and add in the
(36388A). Now he is upgrading ferent, lower, hardware tier. corresponding POSITIVE
through the field upgrade product In this case, the customer needs amount with an M05B discount
to an unlimited user license on licenses to run software on the code. Unfortunately, this pro-
a 967. This example shows how new system, and the return cess is manual and requires an
he would also roll his credits for the licenses on the OP person to enter it. Using the
TurboSTORE/iX license to the existing (higher) tier might be M05B is a recent change, as of
new user-based tiers: larger than the cost of the soft- November 1992. Examples are
ware on the new (lower) tier. given on the next page.
Part No. Description It would erroneously imply
36388A TurboSTORE/iX II. that HP "owed" the customer
One RTU license. money for upgrading!
User license must This is called an excessive
align with MPE/iX software credit and it needs
license. to be corrected.
Opt. UAT Unlimited user lic. This situation can also occur
when customers are upgrading
Opt. 0CF Upgrade credit for hardware and using a software
previous purchase product that used to be sold
of Opt. 330. based on hardware tiers but has
since moved to user-based tiers.
New User-Based Return The customer can get credit for
Credits a previous license under the old
Once customers have made the hardware tier method, and
transition to user-based software depending on the new user or
tiers, they should use the user- MPE license, the credit for the
based return credits in their old license may be greater than
subsequent upgrades from one the cost of the new license.
user-level to the next. The fol-
lowing is an example of how a In all these cases, the net nega-
customer with a 100-user 947LX tive amount must be "zeroed out".
and TurboSTORE/iX II, who is It is important to calculate this
increasing to 160 users on the based on the software line
947LX MPE/iX license, would items--in other words, do not
also increase the TurboSTORE/iX enter in an entire order with
II license: peripherals, systems, etc., and
then see if there is a net nega-
Part No. Description tive amount to zero out. The
36388A TurboSTORE/iX II. excessive software credit is in-
One RTU license. evitably used up by other parts
User license must of the order and HP would un-
align with MPE/iX fairly lose revenue in that case.
Opt. UCN 160 user license
Opt. UD9 Credit for previous
purchase of 100 user
Correcting Excessive Software Credits Examples
Series 70 customer going to Series 937LX, with HPDESK (35670A):
Part No. Description Price
36570A HP Desk
Opt. 310 For tier 1 SPU $5,000. (license for 937LX)
Opt. 0CF Return credit -22,500.
M05B 17,000.
Series 70 customer going to Series 937LX (40-user MPE license), using TurboSTORE/iX II (36388A):
Part No. Description Price
36388A TurboSTORE/iX II
Opt. UCY 40-user license $8,820.
Opt. 004 Return credit -20,000.
M05B 11,180.
Upgrade Scenarios and Older Platforms
Upgrading your hardware: Upgrading your hardware:
Staying on your current How to handle
system, and adding software licenses for How to handle
920, 922LX, 925LX Purchase the user level that Staying on old hardware tier: Purchase the user level that aligns with your
aligns with your MPE/iX Transfer the license to new box. MPE/iX license.
Moving to new hardware tier:
Buy user level that aligns with MPE/ix
license, plus return credit.
925, 935, Purchase the 64-user level, Same as above. Purchase the user level that aligns with your
922, 922RX, 932, even if you have unlimited MPE/iX license.
948, 958 MPE license.
NOVA customers Purchase user option that Same as above. Staying on NOVA:
aligns with MPE user license. Same as above. Use promotion where
Promotion available until appropriate until July 31, 1993.
July 31, 1993.
Moving to Emerald:
Same as above (no promotion).
949, 950, 955, 960 Purchase the 160-user level, Same as above. Purchase the user option that aligns with
even if you have unlimited MPE user license.
MPE license.
980, 980/200/300/400 Purchase user option that Same as above. Purchase the user option that aligns wi
aligns with unlimited MPE MPE user license.
user license.
Emerald customers Purchase user option that Same as above. Purchase the user option that aligns wi
aligns with MPE user license. MPE user license.
Application Integration
Model/Product Number/Price
917LX/927LX/ 947LX/ 922/932/ 948/935/ 949/ 958/950/ 980/100-400/
937LX/920/ 922RX 925LX/925/ 64-70/ 967LX/ 955/960/ 990/992
922LX/MICROs/ 39-58/30/33/ 957LX/ RX/SX/ 977SX/
37s/937RX/SX/ SII/SIII/ RX/SX/ 967 987RX/SX/
937 947RX/SX/ 957 987/150RX/SX/
Product No./ 947 977
Description Option No. (310) (315) (320) (330) (335) (340) (350)
HP Software Integration 92616A $1,650 $3,300 $6,600 $13,200 $19,250 $27,500 $35,200
Sockets for MPE/XL and MPE/iX
Run-time License
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (1,650) (1,650) (1,650) (1,650) (1,650) (1,650)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (3,300) (3,300) (3,300) (3,300) (3,300)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (6,600) (6,600) (6,600) (6,600)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (13,200) (13,200) (13,200)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (19,250) (19,250)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (27,500)
Manual Set Opt. 0B1 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100
HP Software Integration 92767A 24,950 29,900 39,800 59,600 77,750 102,500 125,600
Sockets for MPE/XL and MPE/iX
Development Kit
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (24,950) (24,950) (24,950) (24,950) (24,950) (24,950)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (29,900) (29,900) (29,900) (29,900) (29,900)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (39,800) (39,800) (39,800) (39,800)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (59,600) (59,600) (59,600)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (77,750) (77,750)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (102,500)
Select a System Support Option. Refer to Table 6 on page 183.
HP 3000 Languages MPE V and Compatibility Mode
Model/Product Number/Price
917LX/927LX/ 947LX/ 922/932/ 948/935/ 949/ 958/950/ 980/100-400/
937LX/920/ 922RX 925LX/925/ 64-70/ 967LX/ 955/960/ 990/992
922LX/MICROs/ 39-58/30/33/ 957LX/ RX/SX/ 977SX/
37s/937RX/SX/ SII/SIII/ RX/SX/ 967 987RX/SX/
937 947RX/SX/ 957 987/150RX/SX/
Product No./ 947 977
Description Option No. (310) (315) (320) (330) (335) (340) (350)
SPL/V Compiler 32100A $760 $1,425 $1,900 $3,420 $4,275 $5,225 $7,410
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (760) (760) (760) (760) (760) (760)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (1,425) (1,425) (1,425) (1,425) (1,425)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (1,900) (1,900) (1,900) (1,900)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (3,420) (3,420) (3,420)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (4,275) (4,275)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (5,225)
FORTRAN 66/V Compiler 32102B 600 1,125 1,500 2,700 3,375 4,125 5,850
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (600) (600) (600) (600) (600) (600)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (1,125) (1,125) (1,125) (1,125) (1,125)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (1,500) (1,500) (1,500) (1,500)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (2,700) (2,700) (2,700)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (3,375) (3,375)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (4,125)
RPG/V Compiler 32104A 840 1,575 2,100 3,780 4,725 5,775 8,190
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (840) (840) (840) (840) (840) (840)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (1,575) (1,575) (1,575) (1,575) (1,575)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (2,100) (2,100) (2,100) (2,100)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (3,780) (3,780) (3,780)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (4,725) (4,725)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (5,757)
Pascal/V Compiler 32106A 1,660 3,115 4,150 7,470 9,340 11,415 16,185
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (1,660) (1,660) (1,660) (1,660) (1,660) (1,660)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (3,115) (3,115) (3,115) (3,115) (3,115)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (4,150) (4,150) (4,150) (4,150)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (7,470) (7,470) (7,470)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (9,340) (9,340)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (11,415)
BASIC/V Interpreter 32111A 1,050 2,000 2,500 4,600 5,700 6,850 9,670
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (1,050) (1,050) (1,050) (1,050) (1,050) (1,050)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (2,000) (2,000) (2,000) (2,000) (2,000)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (2,550) (2,550) (2,550) (2,550)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (4,600) (4,600) (4,600)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (5,700) (5,700)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (6,850)
HP Business BASIC/V 32115A 2,050 3,795 5,050 9,100 10,870 12,650 17,940
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (2,050) (2,050) (2,050) (2,050) (2,050) (2,050)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (3,795) (3,795) (3,795) (3,795) (3,795)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (5,050) (5,050) (5,050) (5,050)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (9,100) (9,100) (9,100)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (10,870) (10,870)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (12,650)
BASIC/V Return Credit Opt. 300 (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000)
BASIC/250 Return Credit Opt. 301 (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000)
Select a System Support Option. Refer to Table 6 on page 183.
HP 3000 Languages MPE V and Compatibility Mode (cont'd)
Model/Product Number/Price
917LX/927LX/ 947LX/ 922/932/ 948/935/ 949/ 958/950/ 980/100-400/
937LX/920/ 922RX 925LX/925/ 64-70/ 967LX/ 955/960/ 990/992
922LX/MICROs/ 39-58/30/33/ 957LX/ RX/SX/ 977SX/
37s/937RX/SX/ SII/SIII/ RX/SX/ 967 987RX/SX/
937 947RX/SX/ 957 987/150RX/SX/
Product No./ 947 977
Description Option No. (310) (315) (320) (330) (335) (340) (350)
HP FORTRAN 77/V 32116A $1,660 $3,115 $4,150 $7,470 $9,340 $11,415 $16,185
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (1,660) (1,660) (1,660) (1,660) (1,660) (1,660)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (3,115) (3,115) (3,115) (3,115) (3,115)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (4,150) (4,150) (4,150) (4,150)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (7,470) (7,470) (7,470)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (9,340) (9,340)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (11,415)
FORTRAN 66/V Return Credit Opt. 301 (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000)
FORTRAN Self-paced Opt. 302 (50) (50) (50) (50) (50) (50) (50)
Training Credit
COBOL II/V Compiler 32233A 2,160 4,050 5,400 9,720 12,150 14,850 21,060
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (2,160) (2,160) (2,160) (2,160) (2,160) (2,160)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (4,050) (4,050) (4,050) (4,050) (4,050)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (5,400) (5,400) (5,400) (5,400)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (9,720) (9,720) (9,720)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (12,150) (12,150)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (14,850)
TRANSACT/V Application 32247A 1,800 4,000 4,500 7,900 8,800 11,500 17,000
Development 3GL
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (1,800) (1,800) (1,800) (1,800) (1,800) (1,800)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (4,000) (4,000) (4,000) (4,000) (4,000)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (4,500) (4,500) (4,500) (4,500)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (7,900) (7,900) (7,900)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (8,800) (8,800)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (11,500)
HP 3000 Languages MPE/iX Native Mode
TRANSACT/iX Application 30138A $4,800 $8,000 $11,500 $16,000 $20,000 $24,000 $34,000
Development 3GL
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (4,800) (4,800) (4,800) (4,800) (4,800) (4,800)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (8,000) (8,000) (8,000) (8,000) (8,000)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (11,500) (11,500) (11,500) (11,500)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (16,000) (16,000) (16,000)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (20,000) (20,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (24,000)
Transact/iX Opt. 0G1 (1,800) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Transact/iX Opt. 0G2 (4,500) N/A N/A N/A N/A
Transact/iX Opt. 0G3 (7,900) N/A N/A N/A
HP Business BASIC/iX 32715A 2,740 5,140 6,850 10,275 12,330 13,700 23,975
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (2,740) (2,740) (2,740) (2,740) (2,740) (2,740)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (5,140) (5,140) (5,140) (5,140) (5,140)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (6,850) (6,850) (6,850) (6,850)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (10,275) (10,275) (10,275)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (12,330) (12,330)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (13,700)
Select a System Support Option. Refer to Table 6 on page 183.
HP 3000 Languages MPE/iX Native Mode (cont'd)
Model/Product Number/Price
917LX/927LX/ 947LX/ 922/932/ 948/935/ 949/ 958/950/ 980/100-400/
937LX/920/ 922RX 925LX/925/ 64-70/ 967LX/ 955/960/ 990/992
922LX/MICROs/ 39-58/30/33/ 957LX/ RX/SX/ 977SX/
37s/937RX/SX/ SII/SIII/ RX/SX/ 967 987RX/SX/
937 947RX/SX/ 957 987/150RX/SX/
Product No./ 947 977
Description Option No. (310) (315) (320) (330) (335) (340) (350)
RPG/iX First Copy 30318A $1,260 $2,370 $3,150 $5,700 $7,090 $8,100 $11,465
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (1,260) (1,260) (1,260) (1,260) (1,260) (1,260)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (2,370) (2,370) (2,370) (2,370) (2,370)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (3,150) (3,150) (3,150) (3,150)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (5,700) (5,700) (5,700)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (7,090) (7,090)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (8,100)
COBOL II/iX Compiler 31500A 2,870 5,630 7,500 13,500 16,900 19,750 27,900
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (2,735) (2,735) (2,735) (2,735) (2,735) (2,735)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (5,360) (5,360) (5,360) (5,360) (5,360)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (7,145) (7,145) (7,145) (7,145)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (12,880) (12,880) (12,880)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (16,075) (16,075)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (18,805)
Upgrade Credit for 32233A Opt. 0G1 (2,160) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Upgrade Credit for 32233A Opt. 0HH (4,050) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Upgrade Credit for 32233A Opt. 0G2 (5,400) N/A N/A N/A N/A
Upgrade Credit for 32233A Opt. 0G3 (9,720) N/A N/A N/A
Upgrade Credit for 32233A Opt. 0HJ (12,150) N/A N/A
Upgrade Credit for 32233A Opt. 0G4 (14,850) N/A
Upgrade Credit for 32233A Opt. 0G8 (21,060)
FORTRAN 77/iX Compiler 31501A 2,005 3,760 5,040 9,030 11,300 13,250 18,700
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (1,910) (1,910) (1,910) (1,910) (1,910) (1,910)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (3,580) (3,580) (3,580) (3,580) (3,580)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (4,800) (4,800) (4,800) (4,800)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (8,600) (8,600) (8,600)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (10,740) (10,740)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (12,600)
Upgrade Credit for 32116A Opt. 0G1 (1,660) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Upgrade Credit for 32116A Opt. 0HH (3,115) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Upgrade Credit for 32116A Opt. 0G2 (4,150) N/A N/A N/A N/A
Upgrade Credit for 32116A Opt. 0G3 (7,470) N/A N/A N/A
Upgrade Credit for 32116A Opt. 0HJ (9,340) N/A N/A
Upgrade Credit for 32116A Opt. 0G4 (11,415) N/A
Upgrade Credit for 32116A Opt. 0G8 (16,185)
Pascal/iX Compiler 31502A 2,005 3,760 5,040 9,030 11,300 13,250 18,700
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (1,910) (1,910) (1,910) (1,910) (1,910) (1,910)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (3,580) (3,580) (3,580) (3,580) (3,580)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (4,800) (4,800) (4,800) (4,800)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (8,600) (8,600) (8,600)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (10,740) (10,740)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (12,600)
Upgrade Credit for 32106A Opt. 0G1 (1,660) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Upgrade Credit for 32106A Opt. 0HH (3,115) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Upgrade Credit for 32106A Opt. 0G2 (4,150) N/A N/A N/A N/A
Upgrade Credit for 32106A Opt. 0G3 (7,470) N/A N/A N/A
Upgrade Credit for 32106A Opt. 0HJ (9,340) N/A N/A
Upgrade Credit for 32106A Opt. 0G4 (11,415) N/A
Upgrade Credit for 32106A Opt. 0G8 (16,185)
Select a System Support Option. Refer to Table 6 on page 183.
HP 3000 Languages MPE/iX Native Mode (cont'd)
Model/Product Number/Price
917LX/927LX/ 947LX/ 922/932/ 948/935/ 949/ 958/950/ 980/100-400/
937LX/920/ 922RX 925LX/925/ 64-70/ 967LX/ 955/960/ 990/992
922LX/MICROs/ 39-58/30/33/ 957LX/ RX/SX/ 977SX/
37s/937RX/SX/ SII/SIII/ RX/SX/ 967 987RX/SX/
937 947RX/SX/ 957 987/150RX/SX/
Product No./ 947 977
Description Option No. (310) (315) (320) (330) (335) (340) (350)
HP C/iX Compiler 31506A $2,100 $3,940 $5,250 $9,190 $11,800 $13,850 $19,350
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (2,000) (2,000) (2,000) (2,000) (2,000) (2,000)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (3,750) (3,750) (3,750) (3,750) (3,750)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (8,750) (8,750) (8,750)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (11,250) (11,250)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (13,200)
HP 3000 Information Management Tools MPE V and Compatibility Mode
HP SRC/V 30234A $3,200 N/A $7,900 $14,500 N/A N/A N/A
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (3,200) (3,200)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (3,500)
HP Edit/V 30316A 2,500 2,220 2,500 4,000 6,400 7,800 11,500
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (2,000) (2,000) (2,000) (2,000) (2,000) (2,000)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (2,220) (2,220) (2,220) (2,220) (2,220)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (2,000) (2,000) (2,000) (2,000)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (5,200) (5,200) (5,200)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (6,400) (6,400)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (7,800)
Dictionary/V Data Dictionary 32244A 1,400 2,600 3,400 6,100 7,600 9,300 13,500
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (1,400) (1,400) (1,400) (1,400) (1,400) (1,400)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (2,600) (2,600) (2,600) (2,600) (2,600)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (3,400) (3,400) (3,400) (3,400)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (6,100) (6,100) (6,100)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (7,600) (7,600)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (9,300)
INFORM/V Query and 32246A 2,200 3,800 5,300 7,400 8,900 11,000 15,500
Report Generator
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (2,200) (2,200) (2,200) (2,200) (2,200) (2,200)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (3,800) (3,800) (3,800) (3,800) (3,800)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (5,300) (5,300) (5,300) (5,300)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (7,400) (7,400) (7,400)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (8,900) (8,900)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (11,000)
System Dictionary/V 32254A 2,900 3,400 4,000 7,200 8,200 9,900 14,000
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (2,900) (2,900) (2,900) (2,900) (2,900) (2,900)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (3,400) (3,400) (3,400) (3,400) (3,400)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (4,000) (4,000) (4,000) (4,000)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (7,200) (7,200) (7,200)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (8,200) (8,200)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (9,900)
System Dictionary COBOL 32255A 1,200 1,200 1,300 2,300 2,800 3,400 4,600
Definition Extractor/V
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (1,200) (1,200) (1,200) (1,200) (1,200) (1,200)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (1,200) (1,200) (1,200) (1,200) (1,200)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (1,300) (1,300) (1,300) (1,300)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (2,300) (2,300) (2,300)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (2,800) (2,800)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (3,400)
Select a System Support Option. Refer to Table 6 on page 183.
HP 3000 Information Management Tools MPE V and Compatibility Mode (cont'd)
Model/Product Number/Price
917LX/927LX/ 947LX/ 922/932/ 948/935/ 949/ 958/950/ 980/100-400/
937LX/920/ 922RX 925LX/925/ 64-70/ 967LX/ 955/960/ 990/992
922LX/MICROs/ 39-58/30/33/ 957LX/ RX/SX/ 977SX/
37s/937RX/SX/ SII/SIII/ RX/SX/ 967 987RX/SX/
937 947RX/SX/ 957 987/150RX/SX/
Product No./ 947 977
Description Option No. (310) (315) (320) (330) (335) (340) (350)
Toolset/V Program 32350A $1,500 N/A $3,700 $6,700 N/A N/A N/A
Development Environment
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (1,500) (1,500)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (3,700)
HP BRW-Desk/V 35365A 1,800 3,000 4,300 5,300 6,700 7,900 9,300
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (1,800) (1,800) (1,800) (1,800) (1,800) (1,800)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (3,000) (3,000) (3,000) (3,000) (3,000)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (4,300) (4,300) (4,300) (4,300)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (5,300) (5,300) (5,300)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (6,700) (6,700)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (7,900)
TurboIMAGE DBchange/V 36020A 1,340 2,515 3,350 6,030 7,540 9,215 13,065
Capacity Expansion and
Restructuring Utility
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (1,340) (1,340) (1,340) (1,340) (1,340) (1,340)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (2,515) (2,515) (2,515) (2,515) (2,515)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (3,350) (3,350) (3,350) (3,350)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (6,030) (6,030) (6,030)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (7,540) (7,540)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (9,215)
HP BRW/V, Report 36070A 3,900 7,000 9,500 13,000 16,000 19,000 22,500
Writing System
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (3,900) (3,900) (3,900) (3,900) (3,900) (3,900)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (7,000) (7,000) (7,000) (7,000) (7,000)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (9,500) (9,500) (9,500) (9,500)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (13,000) (13,000) (13,000)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (16,000) (16,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (19,000)
HP SQL/V, Relational 36215A 4,600 N/A 11,500 20,600 N/A N/A N/A
Database Mgt. System
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (4,600) (4,600) (4,600)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (11,500) (11,500)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (20,600)
HP Search/V 36381A 750 N/A 1,100 1,200 N/A N/A N/A
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (750) (750)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (1,100)
HP Browse/V 36382A 650 N/A 900 1,100 N/A N/A N/A
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (650) (650)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (900)
Database Tools/V 36913A 1,900 N/A 4,650 8,300 N/A N/A N/A
TurboIMAGE Database Pkg.
One RTU/Sublicense
TurboIMAGE Profiler/V 36914A 1,000 N/A 2,450 4,400 N/A N/A N/A
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (1,000) (1,000)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (2,450)
Select a System Support Option. Refer to Table 6 on page 183.
HP 3000 Information Management Tools MPE V and Compatibility Mode (cont'd)
Model/Product Number/Price
917LX/927LX/ 947LX/ 922/932/ 948/935/ 949/ 958/950/ 980/100-400/
937LX/920/ 922RX 925LX/925/ 64-70/ 967LX/ 955/960/ 990/992
922LX/MICROs/ 39-58/30/33/ 957LX/ RX/SX/ 977SX/
37s/937RX/SX/ SII/SIII/ RX/SX/ 967 987RX/SX/
937 947RX/SX/ 957 987/150RX/SX/
Product No./ 947 977
Description Option No. (310) (315) (320) (330) (335) (340) (350)
Transform/IBM Tools 99940A N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C
and Utilities
PROCMON Process Monitor 99941A $600 N/A $1,400 $2,500 $3,080 N/A N/A
Menu Processor
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (600) (600) (600)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (1,400) (1,400)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (2,500)
HP 3000 Information Management Tools MPE/iX Native Mode
For use by 1 to 8 concurrent uOpt. UA3 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400
For use by 1 to 20 users Opt. 0AF 10,700 10,700 10,700 10,700 10,700 10,700 10,700
For use by 1 to 32 users Opt. UA7 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000
For use by 1 to 40 users Opt. UCY 23,800 23,800 23,800 23,800 23,800 23,800 23,800
For use by 1 to 64 users Opt. UA9 34,400 34,400 34,400 34,400 34,400 34,400 34,400
For use by 1 to 100 users Opt. UBD 46,700 46,700 46,700 46,700 46,700 46,700 46,700
For use by 1 to 128 users Opt. UAB 54,800 54,800 54,800 54,800 54,800 54,800 54,800
For use by 1 to 160 users Opt. UCN 66,300 66,300 66,300 66,300 66,300 66,300 66,300
For use by 1 to 256 users Opt. UAD 79,600 79,600 79,600 79,600 79,600 79,600 79,600
For use by 1 to 384 users Opt. UDW 101,000 101,000 101,000 101,000 101,000 101,000 101,000
For use by unlimited users Opt. UAT 126,000 126,000 126,000 126,000 126,000 126,000 126,000
HP OpenODB Developer Rel. B2472A 105,000 105,000 105,000 105,000 105,000 105,000 105,000
ALLBASE/Replicate B2494A 2,400 4,500 6,000 10,800 13,500 16,500 23,400
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (2,400) (2,400) (2,400) (2,400) (2,400) (2,400)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (4,500) (4,500) (4,500) (4,500) (4,500)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (6,000) (6,000) (6,000) (6,000)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (10,800) (10,800) (10,800)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (13,500) (13,500)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (16,500)
ALLBASE/DB2L 30700A 2,400 4,500 6,000 10,800 13,500 16,500 23,400
Connect for Series 900
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (2,400) (2,400) (2,400) (2,400) (2,400) (2,400)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (4,500) (4,500) (4,500) (4,500) (4,500)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (6,000) (6,000) (6,000) (6,000)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (10,800) (10,800) (10,800)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (13,500) (13,500)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (16,500)
ALLBASE/4 GL 30601A 10,500 17,000 21,500 34,000 42,500 50,500 72,500
Developer Package
One RTU/Sublicense
Select a System Support Option.
Refer to Table 7 on page 187.
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (34,000) (34,000) (34,000)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (42,500) (42,500)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (50,500)
Select a System Support Option. Unless otherwise specified, refer to Table 6 on page 183.
HP 3000 Information Management Tools MPE/iX Native Mode (cont'd)
Model/Product Number/Price
917LX/927LX/ 947LX/ 922/932/ 948/935/ 949/ 958/950/ 980/100-400/
937LX/920/ 922RX 925LX/925/ 64-70/ 967LX/ 955/960/ 990/992
922LX/MICROs/ 39-58/30/33/ 957LX/ RX/SX/ 977SX/
37s/937RX/SX/ SII/SIII/ RX/SX/ 967 987RX/SX/
937 947RX/SX/ 957 987/150RX/SX/
Product No./ 947 977
Description Option No. (310) (315) (320) (330) (335) (340) (350)
ALLBASE/4 GL 30602A $1,600 $2,800 $3,800 $6,900 $8,600 $10,500 $15,000
Run-time Package
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (1,600) (1,600) (1,600) (1,600) (1,600) (1,600)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (2,800) (2,800) (2,800) (2,800) (2,800)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (3,800) (3,800) (3,800) (3,800)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (6,900) (6,900) (6,900)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (8,600) (8,600)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (10,500)
ALLBASE/QUERY Interface 32426A 3,400 5,900 8,100 14,500 18,500 22,000 31,500
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (3,400) (3,400) (3,400) (3,400) (3,400) (3,400)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (5,900) (5,900) (5,900) (5,900) (5,900)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (8,100) (8,100) (8,100) (8,100)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (14,500) (14,500) (14,500)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (18,500) (18,500)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (22,000)
HP SRC/iX 30328A 3,200 6,000 7,900 14,500 18,000 22,000 31,000
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (3,200) (3,200) (3,200) (3,200) (3,200) (3,200)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (6,000) (6,000) (6,000) (6,000) (6,000)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (7,900) (7,900) (7,900) (7,900)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (14,500) (14,500) (14,500)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (18,000) (18,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (22,000)
HP Symbolic Debugger/iX 31508A 1,470 2,755 3,675 6,620 8,270 10,100 14,350
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (1,400) (1,400) (1,400) (1,400) (1,400) (1,400)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (2,625) (2,625) (2,625) (2,625) (2,625)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (3,500) (3,500) (3,500) (3,500)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (6,300) (6,300) (6,300)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (7,875) (7,875)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (9,625)
System Dictionary/iX 32256A 1,600 3,000 4,000 7,200 9,000 11,000 16,000
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (1,600) (1,600) (1,600) (1,600) (1,600) (1,600)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (3,000) (3,000) (3,000) (3,000) (3,000)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (4,000) (4,000) (4,000) (4,000)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (7,200) (7,200) (7,200)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (9,000) (9,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (11,000)
System Dictionary COBOL 32257A 495 950 1,300 2,300 2,800 3,400 4,900
Definition Extractor/iX
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (495) (495) (495) (495) (495) (495)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (950) (950) (950) (950) (950)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (1,300) (1,300) (1,300) (1,300)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (2,300) (2,300) (2,300)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (2,800) (2,800)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (3,400)
Select a System Support Option. Refer to Table 6 on page 183.
HP 3000 Information Management Tools MPE/iX Native Mode (cont'd)
Model/Product Number/Price
917LX/927LX/ 947LX/ 922/932/ 948/935/ 949/ 958/950/ 980/100-400/
937LX/920/ 922RX 925LX/925/ 64-70/ 967LX/ 955/960/ 990/992
922LX/MICROs/ 39-58/30/33/ 957LX/ RX/SX/ 977SX/
37s/937RX/SX/ SII/SIII/ RX/SX/ 967 987RX/SX/
937 947RX/SX/ 957 987/150RX/SX/
Product No./ 947 977
Description Option No. (310) (315) (320) (330) (335) (340) (350)
HP EDIT/iX 32656A $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (2,000) (2,000) (2,000) (2,000) (2,000) (2,000)
for products 32656A & 30316A
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (2,000) (2,000) (2,000) (2,000) (2,000)
for products 32656A & 30316A
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (2,000) (2,000) (2,000) (2,000)
for products 32656A & 30316A
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (3,500) (3,500) (3,500)
for products 32656A & 30316A
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (3,500) (3,500)
for products 32656A & 30316A
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (3,500)
for products 32656A & 30316A
Business Report Writer/iX 35360A 5,000 8,300 12,000 16,500 21,000 25,000 35,000
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (8,200) (8,200) (8,200) (8,200) (8,200)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (12,000) (12,000) (12,000) (12,000)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (16,500) (16,500) (16,500)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (20,500) (20,500)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (25,000)
Purchase Credit for 36070A Opt. 0G1 (3,900) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Purchase Credit for 36070A Opt. 0G6 (7,000) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Purchase Credit for 36070A Opt. 0G2 (9,500) N/A N/A N/A N/A
Purchase Credit for 36070A Opt. 0G3 (13,000) N/A N/A N/A
Purchase Credit for 36070A Opt. 0G5 (16,000) N/A N/A
Purchase Credit for 36070A Opt. 0G7 (19,000) N/A
Purchase Credit for 36070A Opt. 0G8 (22,500)
Business Report Writer Desk/iX35361A 1,900 2,700 4,300 5,400 6,700 8,000 11,500
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (1,900) (1,900) (1,900) (1,900) (1,900) (1,900)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (2,700) (2,700) (2,700) (2,700) (2,700)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (4,300) (4,300) (4,300) (4,300)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (5,400) (5,400) (5,400)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (6,700) (6,700)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (8,000)
Purchase Credit for 35365A Opt. 0G1 (1,800) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Purchase Credit for 35365A Opt. 0G6 (3,000) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Purchase Credit for 35365A Opt. 0G2 (4,300) N/A N/A N/A N/A
Purchase Credit for 35365A Opt. 0G3 (5,300) N/A N/A N/A
Purchase Credit for 35365A Opt. 0G5 (6,700) N/A N/A
Purchase Credit for 35365A Opt. 0G7 (7,900) N/A
Purchase Credit for 35365A Opt. 0G8 (9,300)
Toolset/iX 36044A 1,500 2,800 3,700 6,700 8,300 10,500 14,500
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (1,500) (1,500) (1,500) (1,500) (1,500) (1,500)
for products 36044A & 32350A
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (2,800) (2,800) (2,800) (2,800) (2,800)
for products 36044A & 32350A
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (3,700) (3,700) (3,700) (3,700)
for products 36044A & 32350A
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (6,700) (6,700) (6,700)
for products 36044A & 32350A
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (8,300) (8,300)
for products 36044A & 32350A
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (10,500)
for products 36044A & 32350A
Select a System Support Option. Refer to Table 6 on page 183.
HP 3000 Information Management Tools MPE/iX Native Mode (cont'd)
Model/Product Number/Price
917LX/927LX/ 947LX/ 922/932/ 948/935/ 949/ 958/950/ 980/100-400/
937LX/920/ 922RX 925LX/925/ 64-70/ 967LX/ 955/960/ 990/992
922LX/MICROs/ 39-58/30/33/ 957LX/ RX/SX/ 977SX/
37s/937RX/SX/ SII/SIII/ RX/SX/ 967 987RX/SX/
937 947RX/SX/ 957 987/150RX/SX/
Product No./ 947 977
Description Option No. (310) (315) (320) (330) (335) (340) (350)
HP Search/iX for HP 3000 36383A $750 $950 $1,100 $1,300 $1,500 $1,800 $2,700
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (750) (750) (750) (750) (750) (750)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (950) (950) (950) (950) (950)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (1,100) (1,100) (1,100) (1,100)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (1,300) (1,300) (1,300)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (1,500) (1,500)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (1,800)
HP Browse/iX for HP 3000 36384A 700 850 950 1,100 1,400 1,700 2,400
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (700) (700) (700) (700) (700) (700)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (850) (850) (850) (850) (850)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (950) (950) (950) (950)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (1,100) (1,100) (1,100)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (1,400) (1,400)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (1,700)
HP DBChange Plus 36386A 3,000 3,400 5,100 6,800 8,500 10,200 14,600
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (3,000) (3,000) (3,000) (3,000) (3,000) (3,000)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (3,400) (3,400) (3,400) (3,400) (3,400)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (5,100) (5,100) (5,100) (5,100)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (6,800) (6,800) (6,800)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (8,500) (8,500)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (10,200)
Return Credit for 310 Opt. 0G1 (1,340) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Return Credit for 315 Opt. 0G6 (2,515) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Return Credit for 320 Opt. 0G2 (3,350) N/A N/A N/A N/A
Return Credit for 330 Opt. 0G3 (6,030) N/A N/A N/A
Return Credit for 335 Opt. 0G5 (7,540) N/A N/A
Return Credit for 340 Opt. 0G7 (9,215) N/A
Return Credit for 350 Opt. 0G8 (13,065)
HP 3000 Office Systems Software
AdvanceMail - U.S. Version D2101B $420 $420 $420 $420 $420 $420 $420
AdvanceLink/MS-DOS D2102B 369 369 369 369 369 369 369
Single Copy
AdvanceLink/MS-DOS D2102-60004 125 125 125 125 125 125 125
Single User Upgrade
NewWave Mail for Desk D2103D 195 195 195 195 195 195 195
AdvanceLink/Macintosh D2107A 399 399 399 399 399 399 399
Single Copy
AdvanceLink/Windows D2104C 340 340 340 340 340 340 340
NW Single Copy
AdvanceLink/Windows D2104-60015 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
NW Single Copy Upgrade
AdvanceLink/Windows D2108C 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
NW Single User Upgrade
AdvanceMail D2111B 370 370 370 370 370 370 370
Single User License
Select a System Support Option. Refer to Table 6 on page 183.
HP 3000 Office Systems Software (cont'd)
Model/Product Number/Price
917LX/927LX/ 947LX/ 922/932/ 948/935/ 949/ 958/950/ 980/100-400/
937LX/920/ 922RX 925LX/925/ 64-70/ 967LX/ 955/960/ 990/992
922LX/MICROs/ 39-58/30/33/ 957LX/ RX/SX/ 977SX/
37s/937RX/SX/ SII/SIII/ RX/SX/ 967 987RX/SX/
937 947RX/SX/ 957 987/150RX/SX/
Product No./ 947 977
Description Option No. (310) (315) (320) (330) (335) (340) (350)
AdvanceLink/MS-DOS D2112B $325 $325 $325 $325 $325 $325 $325
Right to Copy
NewWave Mail D2113D 170 170 170 170 170 170 170
Single User License
AdvanceLink/Windows D2114C 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
NW Right to Copy
AdvanceLink/Color D2117A 351 351 351 351 351 351 351
Graphics User License
Certificate for Macintosh
Officefax for D2412A 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000
HP Deskmanager
Officefax for D2413A 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000
HP Openmail
AdvanceLink/MS-DOS D2432B 110 110 110 110 110 110 110
Right to Copy Upgrade
NewWave Mail User D2433D 44 44 44 44 44 44 44
License Upgrade
AdvanceLink/Windows D2434C 91 91 91 91 91 91 91
NW Right to Copy Upgrade
HP Software Vendor D2506A 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,400
HP Software Vendor Upgrade Opt. 0CC (2,720) (2,720) (2,720) (2,720) (2,720) (2,720) (2,720)
OfficeConnect to X.400/V 30257A N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C
LAN for Series 37, MICRO Opt. 100 41,500 41,500 41,500 41,500 41,500 41,500 41,500
LAN for Series 39-42, 52 Opt. 200 41,500 41,500 41,500 41,500 41,500 41,500 41,500
LAN for Series 44, 48, 58 Opt. 300 41,500 41,500 41,500 41,500 41,500 41,500 41,500
LAN for Series 64-70 Opt. 400 41,500 41,500 41,500 41,500 41,500 41,500 41,500
Delete LAN/3000 Link Opt. 500 37,400 37,400 37,400 37,400 37,400 37,400 37,400
Specify ThickLAN Opt. 555 N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C
Cooperative Services 32564E 1,200 1,600 1,600 2,000 2,500 2,500 2,500
Right to Execute for HP 3000
and 1-10 PCs.
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (1,200) (1,200) (1,200) (1,200) (1,200) (1,200)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (1,600) (1,600) (1,600) (1,600) (1,600)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (1,600) (1,600) (1,600) (1,600)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (2,000) (2,000) (2,000)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (2,500) (2,500)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (2,500)
Cooperative Services 32564L 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Execute ONLY License Upgrade.
Cooperative Services 32570B 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000
Development Kit
Select a System Support Option. Refer to Table 6 on page 183.
HP 3000 Office Systems Software (cont'd)
Model/Product Number/Price
917LX/927LX/ 947LX/ 922/932/ 948/935/ 949/ 958/950/ 980/100-400/
937LX/920/ 922RX 925LX/925/ 64-70/ 967LX/ 955/960/ 990/992
922LX/MICROs/ 39-58/30/33/ 957LX/ RX/SX/ 977SX/
37s/937RX/SX/ SII/SIII/ RX/SX/ 967 987RX/SX/
937 947RX/SX/ 957 987/150RX/SX/
Product No./ 947 977
Description Option No. (310) (315) (320) (330) (335) (340) (350)
Cooperative Services 32571A $7,000 N/A $7,000 $7,000 N/A N/A N/A
Development Kit
For MPE/iX
AdvancePrint Single User Kit 32583F 190 190 190 190 190 190 190
AdvancePrint Vectra/3.5-inch Opt. 033 N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C
AdvancePrint S/W User License 32583J 170 170 170 170 170 170 170
HP DeskManager PLUS 36567A 7,000 17,000 23,000 39,000 48,000 60,000 85,000
Electronic Mail System
One RTU/Sublicense
Software only: Doc. P/N 27576A
Select a System Support Option.
Refer to Table 7 on page 187.
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (5,250) (5,250) (5,250) (5,250) (5,250) (5,250)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (12,750) (12,750) (12,750) (12,750) (12,750)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (17,250) (17,250) (17,250) (17,250)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (29,250) (29,250) (29,250)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (36,000) (36,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (45,000)
Return credits for upgrade from
P/N 36570 to 36567
Return Credit for 310 Opt. 0G1 (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000)
Return Credit for 315 Opt. 0HH (13,000) (13,000) (13,000) (13,000) (13,000) (13,000)
Return Credit for 320 Opt. 0G2 (18,000) (18,000) (18,000) (18,000) (18,000)
Return Credit for 330 Opt. 0G3 (30,000) (30,000) (30,000) (30,000)
Return Credit for 335 Opt. 0HJ (37,000) (37,000) (37,000)
Return Credit for 340 Opt. 0G4 (46,000) (46,000)
Return Credit for 350 Opt. 0G8 (65,000)
HP DeskManager 36570A 5,000 13,000 18,000 30,000 37,000 46,000 65,000
Electronic Mail System
One RTU/Sublicense
Software only: Doc. P/N 27576A
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (3,750) (3,750) (3,750) (3,750) (3,750) (3,750)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (9,750) (9,750) (9,750) (9,750) (9,750)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (13,500) (13,500) (13,500) (13,500)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (22,500) (22,500) (22,500)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (27,750) (27,750)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (34,500)
1-4 User License. First time Opt. 0AJ 1,490 1,490 1,490 1,490 1,490 1,490 1,490
1-4 User License. Subsequent Opt. UA2 1,490 1,490 1,490 1,490 1,490 1,490 1,490
buy. No s/w or doc. included.
IFS/3000 Interactive 36580A 2,650 2,650 2,650 2,650 2,650 2,650 2,650
Formatting System
IDS/3000 Interactive Design 36581_ 4,245 4,245 4,245 4,245 4,245 4,245 4,245
HP 3000 Printer 36583_ 4,775 4,775 4,775 4,775 4,775 4,775 4,775
Graphics Support Software
HP Laser Printer Support Pkg. 36584_ 10,610 10,610 10,610 10,610 10,610 10,610 10,610
Select a System Support Option. Refer to Table 6 on page 183.
HP 3000 Office Systems Software (cont'd)
Model/Product Number/Price
917LX/927LX/ 947LX/ 922/932/ 948/935/ 949/ 958/950/ 980/100-400/
937LX/920/ 922RX 925LX/925/ 64-70/ 967LX/ 955/960/ 990/992
922LX/MICROs/ 39-58/30/33/ 957LX/ RX/SX/ 977SX/
37s/937RX/SX/ SII/SIII/ RX/SX/ 967 987RX/SX/
937 947RX/SX/ 957 987/150RX/SX/
Product No./ 947 977
Description Option No. (310) (315) (320) (330) (335) (340) (350)
HP Graphics Curator/3000 36926_ $1,120 N/A $2,550 $4,590 N/A $5,610 N/A
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (1,120) (1,120) (1,120)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (2,550) (2,550)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (4,590)
For MICRO family, Series 37, Opt. 310 1,120 N/A N/A N/A
920 and 922LX
For Series 39-58 Opt. 320 2,550 N/A N/A
For Series 6x-70 Opt. 330 4,590 N/A
For Series 950 and 955 Opt. 340 5,610
Reflection I Software 82863K 436 436 436 436 436 436 436
ROM base Opt. 400 N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C
2392A Terminal Emulation S/W 98791B 530 530 530 530 530 530 530
Select a System Support Option. Refer to Table 6 on page 183.
HP Cooperative Computing Solutions
Model/Product Number/Price
917LX/927LX/ 947LX/ 922/932/ 948/935/ 949/ 958/950/ 980/100-400/
937LX/920/ 922RX 925LX/925/ 64-70/ 967LX/ 955/960/ 990/992
922LX/MICROs/ 39-58/30/33/ 957LX/ RX/SX/ 977SX/
37s/937RX/SX/ SII/SIII/ RX/SX/ 967 987RX/SX/
937 947RX/SX/ 957 987/150RX/SX/
Product No./ 947 977
Description Option No. (310) (315) (320) (330) (335) (340) (350)
HP NewWave Office B1715A $7,460 $18,600 $18,600 $32,050 $40,350 $40,350 N/A
Mailing for MPE/iX, MPE V
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (7,460) (7,460) (7,460) (7,460) (7,460) (7,460)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (18,600) (18,600) (18,600) (18,600) (18,600)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (18,600) (18,600) (18,600) (18,600)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (32,050) (32,050) (32,050)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (40,350) (40,350)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (40,350)
Return Credit Opt. 0G1 (7,460) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Return Credit Opt. 0G2 (18,600) N/A N/A N/A N/A
Return Credit Opt. 0G3 (32,050) N/A N/A N/A
Information Access Server SQL/iX B3162A 650 650 650 650 650 650 650
Information Access Server/iX B3160A 950 950 950 950 950 950 950
Information Access Server/V B3161A 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,150
Information Access Client Lic. B3115A N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C
1-24 Single user license Opt. UDN 750 750 750 750 750 750 750
25-49 User license Opt. UDP 600 600 600 600 600 600 600
50-99 User license Opt. UDR 495 495 495 495 495 495 495
100+ User license Opt. UDT 455 455 455 455 455 455 455
Information Access Client B3140A 99 99 99 99 99 99 99
Media and Manuals
HP 3000 Manufacturing Systems Applications Software
HP Easy Search for Mfg. B2134A $6,500 $6,500 $6,500 $6,500 $6,500 $6,500 $6,500
HP Easy Search for Maint. B2135A 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
HP Maintenance Management 32154A 44,500 58,000 73,500 107,000 131,500 131,500 168,000
(Unlimited sessions.)
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (44,500) (44,500) (44,500) (44,500) (44,500) (44,500)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (58,000) (58,000) (58,000) (58,000) (58,000)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (73,500) (73,500) (73,500) (73,500)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (107,000) (107,000) (107,000)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (131,500) (131,500)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (131,500)
HP Maintenance Management 32156A N/A 47,500 52,500 58,000 63,000 63,000 68,500
(Limited to ten
concurrent sessions.)
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (47,500) (47,500) (47,500) (47,500) (47,500)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0G2 N/A (52,500) (52,500) (52,500) (52,500)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0G3 N/A (58,000) (58,000) (58,000)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0G5 N/A (63,000) (63,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0G7 N/A (63,000)
Upgrade Credit for 350 Opt. 0G8 (68,500)
Select a System Support Option. Refer to Table 6 on page 183.
HP 3000 Manufacturing Systems Applications Software (cont'd)
Model/Product Number/Price
917LX/927LX/ 947LX/ 922/932/ 948/935/ 949/ 958/950/ 980/100-400/
937LX/920/ 922RX 925LX/925/ 64-70/ 967LX/ 955/960/ 990/992
922LX/MICROs/ 39-58/30/33/ 957LX/ RX/SX/ 977SX/
37s/937RX/SX/ SII/SIII/ RX/SX/ 967 987RX/SX/
937 947RX/SX/ 957 987/150RX/SX/
Product No./ 947 977
Description Option No. (310) (315) (320) (330) (335) (340) (350)
HP Materials Mgt. Adv. Cust. 32267A $6,300 $10,500 $10,500 $15,500 $21,000 $21,000 $26,500
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (6,300) (6,300) (6,300) (6,300) (6,300) (6,300)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (15,500) (15,500) (15,500)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (21,000) (21,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (21,000)
One User Exit Opt. 300 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100
HP Production Management 32270A 20,000 26,500 33,500 48,000 58,000 58,000 79,000
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (20,000) (20,000) (20,000) (20,000) (20,000) (20,000)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (26,500) (26,500) (26,500) (26,500) (26,500)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (33,500) (33,500) (33,500) (33,500)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (48,000) (48,000) (48,000)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (58,000) (58,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (58,000)
HP Maint. Mgt. Adv. Cust. 32279A 6,300 10,500 10,500 15,500 21,000 21,000 26,500
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (6,300) (6,300) (6,300) (6,300) (6,300) (6,300)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (15,500) (15,500) (15,500)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (21,000) (21,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (21,000)
One User Exit Opt. 300 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100
HP Standard Cost Management 32399A 9,500 10,500 16,000 23,500 26,500 26,500 37,000
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (9,500) (9,500) (9,500) (9,500) (9,500) (9,500)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (16,000) (16,000) (16,000) (16,000)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (23,000) (23,000) (23,000)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (26,500) (26,500)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (26,500)
HP Production Management 32630A 6,300 10,500 10,500 15,500 21,000 21,000 26,500
Advanced Customization
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (6,300) (6,300) (6,300) (6,300) (6,300) (6,300)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (15,500) (15,500) (15,500)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (21,000) (21,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (21,000)
One User Exit Opt. 300 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100
HP Production Planning/PC 32636A 3,200 4,200 5,300 7,700 9,600 9,600 12,500
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (3,200) (3,200) (3,200) (3,200) (3,200) (3,200)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (4,200) (4,200) (4,200) (4,200) (4,200)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (5,300) (5,300) (5,300) (5,300)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (7,700) (7,700) (7,700)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (9,600) (9,600)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (9,600)
Select a System Support Option. Refer to Table 6 on page 183.
HP 3000 Manufacturing Systems Applications Software (cont'd)
Model/Product Number/Price
917LX/927LX/ 947LX/ 922/932/ 948/935/ 949/ 958/950/ 980/100-400/
937LX/920/ 922RX 925LX/925/ 64-70/ 967LX/ 955/960/ 990/992
922LX/MICROs/ 39-58/30/33/ 957LX/ RX/SX/ 977SX/
37s/937RX/SX/ SII/SIII/ RX/SX/ 967 987RX/SX/
937 947RX/SX/ 957 987/150RX/SX/
Product No./ 947 977
Description Option No. (310) (315) (320) (330) (335) (340) (350)
HP Materials Management 32903A $13,500 $16,000 $22,500 $32,500 $42,000 $42,000 $52,500
Model 20
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (13,500) (13,500) (13,500) (13,500) (13,500) (13,500)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (16,000) (16,000) (16,000) (16,000) (16,000)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (22,500) (22,500) (22,500) (22,500)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (32,500) (32,500) (32,500)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (42,000) (42,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (42,000)
HP Lot Control and 32909A 13,000 16,000 21,000 30,500 37,000 37,000 47,500
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (13,000) (13,000) (13,000) (13,000) (13,000) (13,000)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (16,000) (16,000) (16,000) (16,000) (16,000)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (30,500) (30,500) (30,500)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (37,000) (37,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (37,000)
HP Production Cost 32920A 11,500 16,000 19,000 27,500 31,500 31,500 42,000
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (11,500) (11,500) (11,500) (11,500) (11,500) (11,500)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (16,000) (16,000) (16,000) (16,000) (16,000)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (19,000) (19,000) (19,000) (19,000)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (27,500) (27,500) (27,500)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (31,500) (31,500)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (31,500)
HP PCM Advanced 32922A 6,300 10,500 10,500 15,500 21,000 21,000 26,500
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (6,300) (6,300) (6,300) (6,300) (6,300) (6,300)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (15,500) (15,500) (15,500)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (21,000) (21,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (26,500)
One User Exit Opt. 300 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100
HP MRP Action Manager B2132A 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500
for NewWave
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (10,500) (10,500) (10,500)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (10,500) (10,500)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (10,500)
Upgrade from MM II Core to 32923A 13,000 16,000 21,000 30,500 37,000 37,000 47,500
MM II Core Advanced Ver.
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade from HP Materials 32924A 19,000 26,500 31,500 46,000 58,000 58,000 73,500
Management Models 10 and
20 (32904A & 32903A) to MM
Advanced Version 32926A
One RTU/Sublicense
Select a System Support Option. Refer to Table 6 on page 183.
HP 3000 Manufacturing Systems Applications Software (cont'd)
Model/Product Number/Price
917LX/927LX/ 947LX/ 922/932/ 948/935/ 949/ 958/950/ 980/100-400/
937LX/920/ 922RX 925LX/925/ 64-70/ 967LX/ 955/960/ 990/992
922LX/MICROs/ 39-58/30/33/ 957LX/ RX/SX/ 977SX/
37s/937RX/SX/ SII/SIII/ RX/SX/ 967 987RX/SX/
937 947RX/SX/ 957 987/150RX/SX/
Product No./ 947 977
Description Option No. (310) (315) (320) (330) (335) (340) (350)
Upgrade from HP Materials 32925A $13,000 $16,000 $21,000 $30,500 $37,000 $37,000 $47,500
Management 32916A Model 30
to Advanced Version 32926A
One RTU/Sublicense
HP Materials Management 32926A 31,500 47,500 58,000 84,000 105,000 105,000 136,500
Advanced Version
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (31,500) (31,500) (31,500) (31,500) (31,500) (31,500)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (47,500) (47,500) (47,500) (47,500) (47,500)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (58,000) (58,000) (58,000) (58,000)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (84,000) (84,000) (84,000)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (105,000) (105,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (105,000)
Upgrade MM II to MM II 32927A N/A 16,000 21,000 30,500 37,000 37,000 47,500
Advanced Version
One RTU/Sublicense
HP Purchasing 34006A 12,000 16,000 19,500 28,500 37,000 37,000 47,500
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (12,000) (12,000) (12,000) (12,000) (12,000) (12,000)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (16,000) (16,000) (16,000) (16,000) (16,000)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (19,500) (19,500) (19,500) (19,500)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (28,500) (28,500) (28,500)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (37,000) (37,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (37,000)
HP Purchasing Advanced 34009A 6,300 10,500 10,500 15,500 21,000 21,000 26,500
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (6,300) (6,300) (6,300) (6,300) (6,300) (6,300)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (15,500) (15,500) (15,500)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (21,000) (21,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (21,000)
One User Exit Opt. 300 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100
Advanced Customization 34022A 13,000 16,000 21,000 30,500 37,000 37,000 47,500
for MM II Family
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (13,000) (13,000) (13,000) (13,000) (13,000) (13,000)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (16,000) (16,000) (16,000) (16,000) (16,000)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (30,500) (30,500) (30,500)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (37,000) (37,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (47,500)
HP Maintenance Management 34024A 37,000 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (37,000)
Select a System Support Option. Refer to Table 6 on page 183.
HP 3000 Manufacturing Systems Applications Software (cont'd)
Model/Product Number/Price
917LX/927LX/ 947LX/ 922/932/ 948/935/ 949/ 958/950/ 980/100-400/
937LX/920/ 922RX 925LX/925/ 64-70/ 967LX/ 955/960/ 990/992
922LX/MICROs/ 39-58/30/33/ 957LX/ RX/SX/ 977SX/
37s/937RX/SX/ SII/SIII/ RX/SX/ 967 987RX/SX/
937 947RX/SX/ 957 987/150RX/SX/
Product No./ 947 977
Description Option No. (310) (315) (320) (330) (335) (340) (350)
Materials Management II 34025A $79,000 $79,000 $105,000 $147,000 $184,000 $184,000 $236,500
Process-Repetitive Core
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (79,000) (79,000) (79,000) (79,000) (79,000) (79,000)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (79,000) (79,000) (79,000) (79,000) (79,000)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (105,000) (105,000) (105,000) (105,000)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (147,000) (147,000) (147,000)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (184,000) (184,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (236,500)
HP Manufacturing 34026A 89,500 94,500 121,000 173,500 215,500 215,500 273,000
Management II Core
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (89,500) (89,500) (89,500) (89,500) (89,500) (89,500)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (94,500) (94,500) (94,500) (94,500) (94,500)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (121,000) (121,000) (121,000) (121,000)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (173,500) (173,500) (173,500)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (215,500) (215,500)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (215,500)
HP Manufacturing 34027A N/A 142,000 178,500 257,500 315,000 315,000 409,500
Management II, with MM Adv.
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (142,000) (142,000) (142,000) (142,000) (142,000)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (178,500) (178,500) (178,500) (178,500)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (257,500) (257,500) (257,500)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (315,000) (315,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (409,500)
HP Manufacturing B2130A N/A 142,000 178,500 257,500 315,000 315,000 409,500
Management II for MPE/iX
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (142,000) (142,000) (142,000) (142,000) (142,000)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (178,500) (178,500) (178,500) (178,500)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (257,500) (257,500) (257,500)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (315,000) (315,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (315,000)
HP Manufacturing B2131A 100,000 100,000 126,000 184,000 226,000 226,000 299,500
Management II Core for MPE/iX
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) (100,000)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) (100,000)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (126,000) (126,000) (126,000) (126,000)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (184,000) (184,000) (184,000)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (226,000) (226,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (226,000)
Select a System Support Option. Refer to Table 6 on page 183.
HP 3000 Financial Systems Application Software
Model/Product Number/Price
917LX/927LX/ 947LX/ 922/932/ 948/935/ 949/ 958/950/ 980/100-400/
937LX/920/ 922RX 925LX/925/ 64-70/ 967LX/ 955/960/ 990/992
922LX/MICROs/ 39-58/30/33/ 957LX/ RX/SX/ 977SX/
37s/937RX/SX/ SII/SIII/ RX/SX/ 967 987RX/SX/
937 947RX/SX/ 957 987/150RX/SX/
Product No./ 947 977
Description Option No. (310) (315) (320) (330) (335) (340) (350)
HP General Ledger/3000 32305A $16,000 $21,000 $26,500 $37,000 $47,500 $47,500 $58,000
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (16,000) (16,000) (16,000) (16,000) (16,000) (16,000)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (26,500) (26,500) (26,500) (26,500)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (37,000) (37,000) (37,000)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (47,500) (47,500)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (47,500)
HP Dual Ledger 32306A 3,200 N/A 5,300 7,700 N/A 9,500 N/A
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (3,200) (3,200) (3,200) (3,200) (3,200)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (5,300) (5,300) (5,300)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (7,700) (7,700)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A
HP Allocator 32307A 3,200 N/A 5,300 7,700 N/A 9,500 N/A
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (3,200) (3,200) (3,200) (3,200) (3,200)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (5,300) (5,300) (5,300)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (7,700) (7,700)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A
HP Accounts Payable/3000 32308A 10,500 16,000 21,000 31,500 37,000 37,000 52,500
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (16,000) (16,000) (16,000) (16,000) (16,000)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (31,500) (31,500) (31,500)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (37,000) (37,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (37,000)
HP Accounts Receivable/3000 32309A 10,500 16,000 21,000 31,500 37,000 37,000 52,500
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (16,000) (16,000) (16,000) (16,000) (16,000)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (31,500) (31,500) (31,500)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (37,000) (37,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (37,000)
HP Interface Facility 32311A 3,200 N/A 5,300 7,700 N/A 9,500 N/A
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (3,200) (3,200) (3,200) (3,200) (3,200)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (5,300) (5,300) (5,300)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (7,700) (7,700)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A
HP Financial 32339A 31,500 42,000 58,000 79,000 100,000 100,000 126,000
Accounting Bundle
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (31,500) (31,500) (31,500) (31,500) (31,500) (31,500)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (42,000) (42,000) (42,000) (42,000) (42,000)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (58,000) (58,000) (58,000) (58,000)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (79,000) (79,000) (79,000)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (100,000) (100,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (100,000)
Select a System Support Option. Refer to Table 6 on page 183.
HP 3000 Financial Systems Application Software (cont'd)
Model/Product Number/Price
917LX/927LX/ 947LX/ 922/932/ 948/935/ 949/ 958/950/ 980/100-400/
937LX/920/ 922RX 925LX/925/ 64-70/ 967LX/ 955/960/ 990/992
922LX/MICROs/ 39-58/30/33/ 957LX/ RX/SX/ 977SX/
37s/937RX/SX/ SII/SIII/ RX/SX/ 967 987RX/SX/
937 947RX/SX/ 957 987/150RX/SX/
Product No./ 947 977
Description Option No. (310) (315) (320) (330) (335) (340) (350)
Financial Budgeting 35350A $13,000 $17,000 $21,000 $30,500 $38,000 $38,000 $48,500
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (13,000) (13,000) (13,000) (13,000) (13,000) (13,000)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (17,000) (17,000) (17,000) (17,000) (17,000)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (30,500) (30,500) (30,500)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (38,000) (38,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (38,000)
HP 3000 Financial Management Products
HP FM General Ledger B1821A $21,000 $26,500 $31,500 $47,500 $58,000 $58,000 $73,500
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (26,500) (26,500) (26,500) (26,500) (26,500)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (31,500) (31,500) (31,500) (31,500)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (47,500) (47,500) (47,500)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (58,000) (58,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (58,000)
HP FM Accounts Payable B1822A 16,000 21,000 26,500 37,000 47,500 47,500 58,000
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (16,000) (16,000) (16,000) (16,000) (16,000) (16,000)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (26,500) (26,500) (26,500) (26,500)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (37,000) (37,000) (37,000)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (47,500) (47,500)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (47,500)
HP FM Accounts Receivable B1823A 16,000 21,000 26,500 37,000 47,500 47,500 58,000
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (16,000) (16,000) (16,000) (16,000) (16,000) (16,000)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (26,500) (26,500) (26,500) (26,500)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (37,000) (37,000) (37,000)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (47,500) (47,500)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (47,500)
HP FM Financial B1824A 42,000 52,500 68,500 100,000 126,000 126,000 157,500
Management Core
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (42,000) (42,000) (42,000) (42,000) (42,000) (42,000)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (52,500) (52,500) (52,500) (52,500) (52,500)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (68,500) (68,500) (68,500) (68,500)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (100,000) (100,000) (100,000)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (126,000) (126,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (126,000)
HP FM Financial Management B1825A 52,500 63,000 84,000 115,500 147,000 147,000 184,000
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (52,500) (52,500) (52,500) (52,500) (52,500) (52,500)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (63,000) (63,000) (63,000) (63,000) (63,000)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (84,000) (84,000) (84,000) (84,000)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (115,500) (115,500) (115,500)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (147,000) (147,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (147,000)
Select a System Support Option. Refer to Table 6 on page 183.
HP 3000 Financial Management Products (cont'd)
Model/Product Number/Price
917LX/927LX/ 947LX/ 922/932/ 948/935/ 949/ 958/950/ 980/100-400/
937LX/920/ 922RX 925LX/925/ 64-70/ 967LX/ 955/960/ 990/992
922LX/MICROs/ 39-58/30/33/ 957LX/ RX/SX/ 977SX/
37s/937RX/SX/ SII/SIII/ RX/SX/ 967 987RX/SX/
937 947RX/SX/ 957 987/150RX/SX/
Product No./ 947 977
Description Option No. (310) (315) (320) (330) (335) (340) (350)
HP FM GL Migration B1826A $6,300 $7,400 $8,400 $10,500 $13,000 $13,000 $17,000
(from HP FA)
One RTU/Sublicense
HP FM AP Migration B1827A 6,300 7,400 8,400 10,500 13,000 13,000 17,000
(from HP FA)
One RTU/Sublicense
HP FM AR Migration B1828A 6,300 7,400 8,400 10,500 13,000 13,000 17,000
(from HP FA)
One RTU/Sublicense
HP MAX/iX B1829A 6,300 8,400 10,500 16,000 21,000 21,000 26,500
Advanced Customization
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (6,300) (6,300) (6,300) (6,300) (6,300) (6,300)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (8,400) (8,400) (8,400) (8,400) (8,400)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (8,400) (8,400) (8,400) (8,400)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (16,000) (16,000) (16,000)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (21,000) (21,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (21,000)
HP 3000 System Software
HP Copycat/3000 Disc to Disc 19550A $850 N/A $2,100 $3,750 N/A N/A N/A
Backup/File Copy Utility
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (850) (850)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (2,100)
TurboSTORE Backup Program 30167A 1,700 N/A 4,300 7,400 N/A N/A N/A
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (1,700) (1,700)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE (4,300)
8/20 32/40 64 100 128/160 256/384/UL
Product No./ MPE Lic. MPE Lic. MPE Lic. MPE Lic. MPE Lic. MPE Lic.
Description Option No. (0AF) (UCY) (UA9) (UBD) (UCN) (UAT)
TurboSTORE/iX 30319A $1,365 $2,835 $4,200 $7,560 $9,240 $13,283
One RTU/Sublicense.
License must align with
MPE/iX license.
Credit for 20-user license Opt. UD8 (1,365) (1,365) (1,365) (1,365) (1,365) (1,365)
Credit for 40-user license Opt. UCZ (2,835) (2,835) (2,835) (2,835) (2,835)
Credit for 64-user license Opt. UB9 (4,200) (4,200) (4,200) (4,200)
Credit for 100-user license Opt. UD9 (7,560) (7,560) (7,560)
Credit for 160-user license Opt. UDV (9,240) (9,240)
Credit for unlimited user license Opt. UBP (13,283)
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD (1,300) (1,300) (1,300) (1,300) (1,300) (1,300)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) (2,500) (2,500)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE (4,000) (4,000) (4,000) (4,000) (4,000) (4,000)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF (7,200) (7,200) (7,200) (7,200) (7,200) (7,200)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL (8,000) (8,000) (8,000) (8,000) (8,000) (8,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM (8,800) (8,800) (8,800) (8,800) (8,800) (8,800)
Upgrade Credit for 350 Opt. UEK (12,650) (12,650) (12,650) (12,650) (12,650) (12,650)
Select a System Support Option. Refer to Table 6 on page 183.
HP 3000 System Software (cont'd)
8/20 32/40 64 100 128/160 256/384/UL
Product No./ MPE Lic. MPE Lic. MPE Lic. MPE Lic. MPE Lic. MPE Lic.
Description Option No. (0AF) (UCY) (UA9) (UBD) (UCN) (UAT)
TurboSTORE/iX II 36387A $2,310 $3,150 $5,775 $10,500 $13,125 $22,575
One RTU/Sublicense.
Includes software data com-
pression. User license option
must align with MPE/iX license.
Select a System Support Option.
Credit for 20-user license Opt. UD8 (2,310) (2,310) (2,310) (2,310) (2,310) (2,310)
Credit for 40-user license Opt. UCZ (3,150) (3,150) (3,150) (3,150) (3,150)
Credit for 64-user license Opt. UB9 (5,775) (5,775) (5,775) (5,775)
Credit for 100-user license Opt. UD9 (10,500) (10,500) (10,500)
Credit for 160-user license Opt. UDV (13,125) (13,125)
Credit for unlimited user license Opt. UBP (22,575)
Return Credit for 310 Opt. 001 (2,200) (2,200) (2,200) (2,200) (2,200) (2,200)
Return Credit for 315 Opt. 002 (4,000) (4,000) (4,000) (4,000) (4,000) (4,000)
Return Credit for 320 Opt. 003 (5,500) (5,500) (5,500) (5,500) (5,500) (5,500)
Return Credit for 330 Opt. 004 (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) (10,000) (10,000)
Return Credit for 335 Opt. 005 (12,500) (12,500) (12,500) (12,500) (12,500) (12,500)
Return Credit for 340 Opt. 006 (15,000) (15,000) (15,000) (15,000) (15,000) (15,000)
Return Credit for 350 Opt. 007 (21,500) (21,500) (21,500) (21,500) (21,500) (21,500)
TurboSTORE/iX II with 36388A 7,873 8,820 11,550 21,000 26,250 48,825
On-Line Backup
One RTU/Sublicense.
Includes software data com-
pression. User license option
must align with MPE/iX license.
Select a System Support Option.
Credit for 20-user license Opt. UD8 (7,875) (7,875) (7,875) (7,875) (7,875) (7,875)
Credit for 40-user license Opt. UCZ (8,820) (8,820) (8,820) (8,820) (8,820)
Credit for 64-user license Opt. UB9 (11,550) (11,550) (11,550) (11,550)
Credit for 100-user license Opt. UD9 (21,000) (21,000) (21,000)
Credit for 160-user license Opt. UDV (26,250) (26,250)
Credit for unlimited user license Opt. UBP (48,825)
Return Credit for 310 Opt. 001 (7,500) (7,500) (7,500) (7,500) (7,500) (7,500)
Return Credit for 315 Opt. 002 (8,000) (8,000) (8,000) (8,000) (8,000) (8,000)
Return Credit for 320 Opt. 003 (11,000) (11,000) (11,000) (11,000) (11,000) (11,000)
Return Credit for 330 Opt. 004 (20,000) (20,000) (20,000) (20,000) (20,000) (20,000)
Return Credit for 335 Opt. 005 (25,500) (25,500) (25,500) (25,500) (25,500) (25,500)
Return Credit for 340 Opt. 006 (30,000) (30,000) (30,000) (30,000) (30,000) (30,000)
Return Credit for 350 Opt. UEK (46,500) (46,500) (46,500) (46,500) (46,500) (46,500)
Model/Product Number/Price
917LX/927LX/ 947LX/ 922/932/ 948/935/ 949/ 958/950/ 980/100-400/
937LX/920/ 922RX 925LX/925/ 64-70/ 967LX/ 955/960/ 990/992
922LX/MICROs/ 39-58/30/33/ 957LX/ RX/SX/ 977SX/
37s/937RX/SX/ SII/SIII/ RX/SX/ 967 987RX/SX/
937 947RX/SX/ 957 987/150RX/SX/
Product No./ 947 977
Description Option No. (310) (315) (320) (330) (335) (340) (350)
90-Day Trial Copy of 36388A, B2492A N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C
TurboSTORE/iX II with
On-Line Backup
One RTU/Sublicense
Select a System Support Option. Refer to Table 6 on page 183.
HP 3000 System Software (cont'd)
8/20 32/40 64 100 128/160 256/384/UL
Product No./ MPE Lic. MPE Lic. MPE Lic. MPE Lic. MPE Lic. MPE Lic.
Description Option No. (0AF) (UCY) (UA9) (UBD) (UCN) (UAT)
TurboSTORE/iX II with Support 36397A $3,360 $5,250 $8,400 $15,330 $19,215 $33,075
for Rewritable Optical Disk
One RTU/Sublicense.
User license option must align
with MPE/iX license.
Select a System Support Option.
Credit for 20-user license Opt. UD8 (3,360) (3,360) (3,360) (3,360) (3,360) (3,360)
Credit for 40-user license Opt. UCZ (5,250) (5,250) (5,250) (5,250) (5,250)
Credit for 64-user license Opt. UB9 (8,400) (8,400) (8,400) (8,400)
Credit for 100-user license Opt. UD9 (15,330) (15,330) (15,330)
Credit for 160-user license Opt. UDV (19,215) (19,215)
Credit for unlimited user license Opt. UBP (33,075)
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0G1 (3,200) (3,200) (3,200) (3,200) (3,200) (3,200)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0G2 (5,800) (5,800) (5,800) (5,800) (5,800) (5,800)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0G3 (8,000) (8,000) (8,000) (8,000) (8,000) (8,000)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0G4 (14,600) (14,600) (14,600) (14,600) (14,600) (14,600)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0G5 (18,300) (18,300) (18,300) (18,300) (18,300) (18,300)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0G6 (21,900) (21,900) (21,900) (21,900) (21,900) (21,900)
Upgrade Credit for 350 Opt. UEK (31,500) (31,500) (31,500) (31,500) (31,500) (31,500)
TurboSTORE/iX II with On-Line 36398A 8,925 10,500 14,175 25,830 36,750 59,325
Backup and Rewritable
Optical Disk
One RTU/Sublicense.
User license option must align
with MPE/iX license.
Select a System Support Option.
Refer to Table 7 on page 187.
Credit for 20-user license Opt. UD8 (8,925) (8,925) (8,925) (8,925) (8,925) (8,925)
Credit for 40-user license Opt. UCZ (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500)
Credit for 64-user license Opt. UB9 (14,175) (14,175) (14,175) (14,175)
Credit for 100-user license Opt. UD9 (25,830) (25,830) (25,830)
Credit for 160-user license Opt. UDV (36,750) (36,750)
Credit for unlimited user license Opt. UBP (59,325)
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0G1 (8,500) (8,500) (8,500) (8,500) (8,500) (8,500)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0G2 (9,800) (9,800) (9,800) (9,800) (9,800) (9,800)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0G3 (13,500) (13,500) (13,500) (13,500) (13,500) (13,500)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0G4 (24,600) (24,600) (24,600) (24,600) (24,600) (24,600)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0G5 (30,000) (30,000) (30,000) (30,000) (30,000) (30,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0G6 (36,900) (36,900) (36,900) (36,900) (36,900) (36,900)
Upgrade Credit for 350 Opt. UEK (56,500) (56,500) (56,500) (56,500) (56,500) (56,500)
Credit for 99X DX Opt. 0HR (45,200)
Mirrored Disk/iX 30349A 5,410 9,980 16,800 30,450 33,600 52,700
One RTU/Sublicense
Must order a user license.
User license must align with
MPE/iX user license.
Credit for 20-user license Opt. UD8 (5,410) (5,410) (5,410) (5,410) (5,410) (5,410)
Credit for 40-user license Opt. UCZ (9,980) (9,980) (9,980) (9,980) (9,980)
Credit for 64-user license Opt. UB9 (16,800) (16,800) (16,800) (16,800)
Credit for 100-user license Opt. UD9 (30,450) (30,450) (30,450)
Credit for 160-user license Opt. UDV (33,600) (33,600)
Credit for unlimited user license Opt. UBP (52,700)
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD (5,150) (5,150) (5,150) (5,150) (5,150) (5,150)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ (9,500) (9,500) (9,500) (9,500) (9,500) (9,500)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE (16,000) (16,000) (16,000) (16,000) (16,000) (16,000)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF (29,000) (29,000) (29,000) (29,000) (29,000) (29,000)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL (32,000) (32,000) (32,000) (32,000) (32,000) (32,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM (35,000) (35,000) (35,000) (35,000) (35,000) (35,000)
Upgrade Credit for 350 Opt. UEK (50,200) (50,200) (50,200) (50,200) (50,200) (50,200)
Select a System Support Option. Unless otherwise specified, refer to Table 6 on page 183.
HP 3000 System Software (cont'd)
8/20 32/40 64 100 128/160 256/384/UL
Product No./ MPE Lic. MPE Lic. MPE Lic. MPE Lic. MPE Lic. MPE Lic.
Description Option No. (0AF) (UCY) (UA9) (UBD) (UCN) (UAT)
AutoRestart/iX 36375A $735 $1,365 $1,920 $3,465 $4,410 $7,560
One RTU/Sublicense
Must order a user license.
User license must align with
MPE/iX user license.
Credit for 20-user license Opt. UD8 (735) (735) (735) (735) (735) (735)
Credit for 40-user license Opt. UCZ (1,365) (1,365) (1,365) (1,365) (1,365)
Credit for 64-user license Opt. UB9 (1,920) (1,920) (1,920) (1,920)
Credit for 100-user license Opt. UD9 (3,465) (3,465) (3,465)
Credit for 160-user license Opt. UDV (4,410) (4,410)
Credit for unlimited user license Opt. UBP (7,560)
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD (700) (700) (700) (700) (700) (700)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ (1,300) (1,300) (1,300) (1,300) (1,300) (1,300)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE (1,830) (1,830) (1,830) (1,830) (1,830) (1,830)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF (3,300) (3,300) (3,300) (3,300) (3,300) (3,300)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL (4,200) (4,200) (4,200) (4,200) (4,200) (4,200)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000)
Upgrade Credit for 350 Opt. UEK (6,120) (6,120) (6,120) (6,120) (6,120) (6,120)
SPU SwitchOver/iX 36378A 5,360 9,770 13,450 24,450 30,650 52,500
One RTU/Sublicense
Must order a user license.
User license must align with
MPE/iX user license.
Credit for 20-user license Opt. UD8 (5,360) (5,360) (5,360) (5,360) (5,360) (5,360)
Credit for 40-user license Opt. UCZ (9,770) (9,770) (9,770) (9,770) (9,770)
Credit for 64-user license Opt. UB9 (13,450) (13,450) (13,450) (13,450)
Credit for 100-user license Opt. UD9 (24,450) (24,450) (24,450)
Credit for 160-user license Opt. UDV (30,650) (30,650)
Credit for unlimited user license Opt. UBP (52,500)
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD (5,100) (5,100) (5,100) (5,100) (5,100) (5,100)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ (9,300) (9,300) (9,300) (9,300) (9,300) (9,300)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE (12,800) (12,800) (12,800) (12,800) (12,800) (12,800)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF (23,300) (23,300) (23,300) (23,300) (23,300) (23,300)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL (29,200) (29,200) (29,200) (29,200) (29,200) (29,200)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM (35,000) (35,000) (35,000) (35,000) (35,000) (35,000)
Upgrade Credit for 350 Opt. UEK (50,000) (50,000) (50,000) (50,000) (50,000) (50,000)
Backup for 8 or 20 user system Opt. 510 N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C
Backup for 32 or 40 user system Opt. 515 N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C
Backup for 64 user system Opt. 520 N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C
Backup for 100 user system Opt. 530 N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C
Backup for 128 or 160 user sys. Opt. 535 N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C
Backup for 256, 384 or unlimited Opt. 550 N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C
user system
HP OpenView Console* 36936A 3,000 6,000 9,000 15,000 18,000 20,000
One RTU/Sublicense
Must order a user license.
User license must align with
MPE/iX user license.
Credit for 20-user license Opt. UD8 (3,000) (3,000) (3,000) (3,000) (3,000) (3,000)
Credit for 40-user license Opt. UCZ (6,000) (6,000) (6,000) (6,000) (6,000)
Credit for 64-user license Opt. UB9 (9,000) (9,000) (9,000) (9,000)
Credit for 100-user license Opt. UD9 (15,000) (15,000) (15,000)
Credit for 160-user license Opt. UDV (18,000) (18,000)
Credit for unlimited user license Opt. UBP (20,000)
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD (8,400) (8,400) (8,400) (8,400) (8,400) (8,400)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500) (10,500)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE (13,650) (13,650) (13,650) (13,650) (13,650) (13,650)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000) (21,000)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL (26,250) (26,250) (26,250) (26,250) (26,250) (26,250)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM (31,500) (31,500) (31,500) (31,500) (31,500) (31,500)
Upgrade Credit for 350 Opt. UEK (45,150) (45,150) (45,150) (45,150) (45,150) (45,150)
* Additional ordering information on page 176.
Select a System Support Option. Refer to Table 6 on page 183.
HP 3000 System Software (cont'd)
8/20 32/40 64 100 128/160 256/384/UL
Product No./ MPE Lic. MPE Lic. MPE Lic. MPE Lic. MPE Lic. MPE Lic.
Description Option No. (0AF) (UCY) (UA9) (UBD) (UCN) (UAT)
Managed Series 9xx Node* 36937A $2,250 $4,500 $6,700 $11,200 $13,500 $15,000
One RTU/Sublicense
Must order a user license.
User license must align with
MPE/iX user license.
Credit for 20-user license Opt. UD8 (2,250) (2,250) (2,250) (2,250) (2,250) (2,250)
Credit for 40-user license Opt. UCZ (4,500) (4,500) (4,500) (4,500) (4,500)
Credit for 64-user license Opt. UB9 (6,700) (6,700) (6,700) (6,700)
Credit for 100-user license Opt. UD9 (11,200) (11,200) (11,200)
Credit for 160-user license Opt. UDV (13,500) (13,500)
Credit for unlimited user license Opt. UBP (15,000)
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD (2,940) (2,940) (2,940) (2,940) (2,940) (2,940)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ (3,675) (3,675) (3,675) (3,675) (3,675) (3,675)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE (4,725) (4,725) (4,725) (4,725) (4,725) (4,725)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF (7,350) (7,350) (7,350) (7,350) (7,350) (7,350)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL (9,140) (9,140) (9,140) (9,140) (9,140) (9,140)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM (11,050) (11,050) (11,050) (11,050) (11,050) (11,050)
Upgrade Credit for 350 Opt. UEK (15,750) (15,750) (15,750) (15,750) (15,750) (15,750)
Model/Product Number/Price
917LX/927LX/ 947LX/ 922/932/ 948/935/ 949/ 958/950/ 980/100-400/
937LX/920/ 922RX 925LX/925/ 64-70/ 967LX/ 955/960/ 990/992
922LX/MICROs/ 39-58/30/33/ 957LX/ RX/SX/ 977SX/
37s/937RX/SX/ SII/SIII/ RX/SX/ 967 987RX/SX/
937 947RX/SX/ 957 987/150RX/SX/
Product No./ 947 977
Description Option No. (310) (315) (320) (330) (335) (340) (350)
HP OpenView System Manager 36938A $2,940 N/A $4,725 $7,350 N/A N/A N/A
Managed Node/V Software
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (2,240) (2,240)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (3,600)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF (5,600)
HP Security Monitor/V 30392A 550 N/A 1,100 1,850 N/A N/A N/A
One RTU/Sublicense
For MPE V/E systems only.
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (550) (550)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (1,100)
Flexible DiscCopy/3000 32199A 685 685 685 685 685 685 685
Scientific Library 32205B 410 410 410 410 410 410 410
Migration Toolset 32428A 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
HP TapeMaker 32434A 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000
One RTU/Sublicense
* Additional ordering information on page 177.
Select a System Support Option. Refer to Table 6 on page 183.
HP 3000 System Software (cont'd)
Product No. Opt. No. Product Description Price
B3482A SharePlex Facility/iX
Clustering capability for HP 3000s to transparently share data and other computer resources
across a local or wide area network.
1. Select NetBase products
A2359A NetBase basic bundle for first system. Includes AutoRPM, Network File Access, NB Spool,
Shadowing (Image/SQL), and Statistics.
#310 a. [ ] Tier 1 SPU *
#315 b. [ ] Tier 2 SPU *
#320 c. [ ] Tier 3 SPU *
#330 d. [ ] Tier 4 SPU *
#335 e. [ ] Tier 5 SPU *
#340 f. [ ] Tier 6 SPU *
#350 g. [ ] Tier 7 SPU *
#AA0 h. [ ] CS80 Cartridge tape media N/C
#AA1 i. [ ] 1600 BPI tape media N/C
#AA2 j. [ ] 6250 BPI tape media N/C
#AAH k. [ ] Digital Data Storage (DDS) media N/C
A2360A NetBase basic bundle for secondary, etc. systems. Includes AutoRPM, Network File Access,
NB Spool, Shadowing (Image/SQL), and Statistics.
#310 a. [ ] Tier 1 SPU *
#315 b. [ ] Tier 2 SPU *
#320 c. [ ] Tier 3 SPU *
#330 d. [ ] Tier 4 SPU *
#335 e. [ ] Tier 5 SPU *
#340 f. [ ] Tier 6 SPU *
#350 g. [ ] Tier 7 SPU *
#AA0 h. [ ] CS80 Cartridge tape media N/C
#AA1 i. [ ] 1600 BPI tape media N/C
#AA2 j. [ ] 6250 BPI tape media N/C
#AAH k. [ ] Digital Data Storage (DDS) media N/C
2. Select OV Console for your first system, and Managed Node licenses for nodes to be
managed by your first system. Select OV Workstation if needed.
Software is provided with a Class/Concurrent license to use on this system and the license
must align with the system's MPE/iX user license.
36936A HP OpenView Console
Includes all software necessary to manage one HP 3000 system using the features of
HP OpenView System Manager. Must also order HP OpenView Windows Workstation (below),
or you must already own its components. Additional HP 3000s may be managed by this OpenView
Console by purchasing 36937A Managed Node licenses.
#0AF a. [ ] 20 user license 3,000
#UCY b. [ ] 40 user license 6,000
#UA9 c. [ ] 64 user license 9,000
#UBD d. [ ] 100 user license 15,000
#UCN e. [ ] 160 user license 18,000
#UAT f. [ ] Unlimited user license 20,000
#UD8 g. [ ] Credit for 20 user license (3,000)
#UCZ h. [ ] Credit for 40 user license (6,000)
#UB9 i. [ ] Credit for 64 user license (9,000)
#UD9 j. [ ] Credit for 100 user license (15,000)
#UDV k. [ ] Credit for 160 user license (18,000)
#UBP l. [ ] Credit for unlimited user license (20,000)
* Prices not firm at time of publication, please contact CPL.
Select a System Support Option. Refer to Table 6 on page 183.
HP 3000 System Software (cont'd)
Product No. Opt. No. Product Description Price
B3482A SharePlex Facility/iX (cont'd)
#0CD m. [ ] Credit for previous purchase of tier 310 ($8,400)
#0GJ n. [ ] Credit for previous purchase of tier 315 (10,500)
#0CE o. [ ] Credit for previous purchase of tier 320 (13,650)
#0CF p. [ ] Credit for previous purchase of tier 330 (21,000)
#0GL q. [ ] Credit for previous purchase of tier 335 (26,250)
#0GM r. [ ] Credit for previous purchase of tier 340 (31,500)
#UEK s. [ ] Credit for previous purchase of tier 350 (45,150)
36937A Managed Series 9xx Node License
Includes a license to have the OpenView Console manage one HP 3000 Series 9xx system. One
license per managed node must be ordered. The license for each managed node must align with
that node's MPE/iX user license.
#0AF a. [ ] 20 user license 2,250
#UCY b. [ ] 40 user license 4,500
#UA9 c. [ ] 64 user license 6,750
#UBD d. [ ] 100 user license 11,250
#UCN e. [ ] 160 user license 13,500
#UAT f. [ ] Unlimited user license 15,000
#UD8 g. [ ] Credit for 20 user license (2,250)
#UCZ h. [ ] Credit for 40 user license (4,500)
#UB9 i. [ ] Credit for 64 user license (6,750)
#UD9 j. [ ] Credit for 100 user license (11,250)
#UDV k. [ ] Credit for 160 user license (13,500)
#UBP l. [ ] Credit for unlimited user license (15,000)
#0CD m. [ ] Credit for previous purchase of tier 310 (2,940)
#0GJ n. [ ] Credit for previous purchase of tier 315 (3,675)
#0CE o. [ ] Credit for previous purchase of tier 320 (4,725)
#0CF p. [ ] Credit for previous purchase of tier 330 (7,350)
#0GL q. [ ] Credit for previous purchase of tier 335 (9,140)
#0GM r. [ ] Credit for previous purchase of tier 340 (11,050)
#UEK s. [ ] Credit for previous purchase of tier 350 (15,750)
36938A Managed Node License for MPE/V System
Includes a license to have the OpenView Console manage one HP 3000 MPE/V system.
One license per managed node must be ordered.
#310 a. [ ] Tier 310 SPU (Micros, Series 37) 2,250
#320 b. [ ] Tier 320 SPU (Micros, Series 39-58/30/33/SII/SIII) 4,500
#330 c. [ ] Tier 330 SPU (Series 64-70) 6,750
#0CD d. [ ] Credit for previous purchase of tier 310 (2,240)
#0CE e. [ ] Credit for previous purchase of tier 320 (3,600)
#0CF f. [ ] Credit for previous purchase of tier 330 (5,600)
32045C HP OpenView Windows Workstation
This is a PC bundle that will be the console to manage the SharePlex/iX cluster. OpenView
Console will support a maximum of 5 PCs total. Opt. 202 need not be ordered for the first PC bundle.
#201 a. [ ] DTC Manager 1,500
#202 b. [ ] PC software for OpenView Console (one set already comes with 36936A). 500
#204 c. [ ] SwitchPad Manager 2,575
#205 d. [ ] SwitchPad Manager (5-10 nodes) 4,635
#206 e. [ ] SwitchPad Manager (10 nodes) 6,900
#101 f. [ ] ThinLAN connection 450
#102 g. [ ] ThickLAN connection 850
#103 h. [ ] EtherTwist connection 445
#104 i. [ ] SwitchPad Manager connection 515
Select a System Support Option. Refer to Table 6 on page 183.
HP 3000 System Software (cont'd)
Product No. Opt. No. Product Description Price
B3482A SharePlex Facility/iX (cont'd)
You MUST order a localization option.
#ABA a. [ ] USA N/C
#ABB b. [ ] Europe (English) N/C
#ABD c. [ ] Germany N/C
#ABE d. [ ] Spain N/C
#ABF e. [ ] France N/C
#ABG f. [ ] Australia N/C
#ABH g. [ ] Netherlands N/C
#ABK h. [ ] Intercon N/C
#ABM i. [ ] Latin America N/C
#ABN j. [ ] Norway N/C
#ABP k. [ ] Swiss (German) N/C
#ABQ l. [ ] Swiss (French) N/C
#ABS m. [ ] Sweden N/C
#ABU n. [ ] U.K. N/C
#ABW o. [ ] Belgium N/C
#ABX p. [ ] Finland N/C
#ABY q. [ ] Denmark N/C
#ABZ r. [ ] Italy N/C
Select a System Support Option. Refer to Table 6 on page 183.
HP 3000 System Performance Software
Model/Product Number/Price
917LX/927LX/ 947LX/ 922/932/ 948/935/ 949/ 958/950/ 980/100-400/
937LX/920/ 922RX 925LX/925/ 64-70/ 967LX/ 955/960/ 990/992
922LX/MICROs/ 39-58/30/33/ 957LX/ RX/SX/ 977SX/
37s/937RX/SX/ SII/SIII/ RX/SX/ 967 987RX/SX/
937 947RX/SX/ 957 987/150RX/SX/
Product No./ 947 977
Description Option No. (310) (315) (320) (330) (335) (340) (350)
HP RX Forecast B1764B N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C
For use with MPE systems, Opt. AGD $3,600 $3,600 $3,600 $3,600 $3,600 $3,600 $3,600
requires 50700B HP LaserRX
as a pre-requisite.
HP SPT/iX Collector B1776A 880 1,100 1,320 1,540 1,760 1,980 2,200
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (880) (880) (880) (880) (880) (880)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GN N/A (1,100) (1,100) (1,100) (1,100) (1,100)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (1,320) (1,320) (1,320) (1,320)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (1,540) (1,540) (1,540)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (1,760) (1,760)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (1,980)
HP SPT/iX Analyzer B1777A 6,300 7,900 9,400 12,000 13,000 13,500 16,000
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (6,300) (6,300) (6,300) (6,300) (6,300) (6,300)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GN N/A (7,900) (7,900) (7,900) (7,900) (7,900)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (9,400) (9,400) (9,400) (9,400)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (12,000) (12,000) (12,000)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (13,000) (13,000)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (13,500)
HP GlancePlus for MPE/iX B1787B 900 1,250 1,500 2,200 2,750 3,050 4,800
One RTU/Sublicense
Select a System Support Option.
Refer to Table 7 on page 187.
Mag. Tape (XL 2.2, 3.0, 3.1 only) Opt. AA1 N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C
DDS Cart. (XL 2.2, 3.0, 3.1 only) Opt. AAH N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (900) (900) (900) (900) (900) (900)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (1,250) (1,250) (1,250) (1,250) (1,250)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (1,500) (1,500) (1,500) (1,500)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (2,200) (2,200) (2,200)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (2,750) (2,750)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (3,050)
Credit for 99x DX Opt. 0HR (4,080)
Return Credit for Opt. 0G1 (850) (850) (850) (850) (850) (850) (850)
HP 50733B, Opt. 310
Return Credit for Opt. 0G2 (1,400) (1,400) (1,400) (1,400) (1,400) (1,400) (1,400)
HP 50733B, Opt. 320
Return Credit for Opt. 0G3 (2,000) (2,000) (2,000) (2,000) (2,000) (2,000) (2,000)
HP 50733B, Opt. 330
Select a System Support Option. Unless otherwise specified, refer to Table 6 on page 183.
HP 3000 System Performance Software (cont'd)
Model/Product Number/Price
917LX/927LX/ 947LX/ 922/932/ 948/935/ 949/ 958/950/ 980/100-400/
937LX/920/ 922RX 925LX/925/ 64-70/ 967LX/ 955/960/ 990/992
922LX/MICROs/ 39-58/30/33/ 957LX/ RX/SX/ 977SX/
37s/937RX/SX/ SII/SIII/ RX/SX/ 967 987RX/SX/
937 947RX/SX/ 957 987/150RX/SX/
Product No./ 947 977
Description Option No. (310) (315) (320) (330) (335) (340) (350)
HP GlancePlus Pak for MPE/iX B2953A $1,680 $2,040 $2,320 $2,960 $3,480 $3,880 $5,600
One RTU/Sublicense
Mag. Tape (XL 2.2, 3.0, 3.1 only) Opt. AA1 N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C
DDS Cart. (XL 2.2, 3.0, 3.1 only) Opt. AAH N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (1,680) (1,680) (1,680) (1,680) (1,680) (1,680)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GN N/A (2,040) (2,040) (2,040) (2,040) (2,040)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (2,320) (2,320) (2,320) (2,320)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (2,960) (2,960) (2,960)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (3,480) (3,480)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (3,880)
Return Credit for Opt. 201 (700) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
HP B1787B, Opt. 310
Return Credit for Opt. 202 (1,050) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
HP B1787B, Opt. 315
Return Credit for Opt. 203 (1,300) N/A N/A N/A N/A
HP B1787B, Opt. 320
Return Credit for Opt. 204 (2,000) N/A N/A N/A
HP B1787B, Opt. 330
Return Credit for Opt. 205 (2,550) N/A N/A
HP B1787B, Opt. 335
Return Credit for Opt. 206 (2,850) N/A
HP B1787B, Opt. 340
Return Credit for Opt. 207 (4,600)
HP B1787B, Opt. 350
Return Credit for Opt. 0G1 (1,560) (1,560) (1,560) (1,560) (1,560) (1,560) (1,560)
HP B2954A, Opt. 310
Return Credit for Opt. 0G2 (2,160) (2,160) (2,160) (2,160) (2,160) (2,160) (2,160)
HP B2954A, Opt. 320
Return Credit for Opt. 0G3 (2,720) (2,720) (2,720) (2,720) (2,720) (2,720) (2,720)
HP B2954A, Opt. 330
Return Credit for Opt. 101 (650) (650) (650) (650) (650) (650) (650)
HP 50733B, Opt. 310
Return Credit for Opt. 102 (1,200) (1,200) (1,200) (1,200) (1,200) (1,200) (1,200)
HP 50733B, Opt. 320
Return Credit for Opt. 103 (1,800) (1,800) (1,800) (1,800) (1,800) (1,800) (1,800)
HP 50733B, Opt. 330
HP GlancePlus Pak for MPE/V B2954A 1,560 N/A 2,160 2,720 N/A N/A N/A
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (1,560) (1,560)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (2,160)
Return Credit for Opt. 101 (650) N/A N/A
HP 50733B, Opt. 310
Return Credit for Opt. 102 (1,200) N/A
HP 50733B, Opt. 320
Return Credit for Opt. 103 (1,800)
HP 50733B, Opt. 330
APS/3000 32180A 1,100 N/A 1,800 3,200 N/A N/A N/A
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (1,100) (1,100)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (1,800)
Select a System Support Option. Refer to Table 6 on page 183.
HP 3000 System Performance Software (cont'd)
Model/Product Number/Price
917LX/927LX/ 947LX/ 922/932/ 948/935/ 949/ 958/950/ 980/100-400/
937LX/920/ 922RX 925LX/925/ 64-70/ 967LX/ 955/960/ 990/992
922LX/MICROs/ 39-58/30/33/ 957LX/ RX/SX/ 977SX/
37s/937RX/SX/ SII/SIII/ RX/SX/ 967 987RX/SX/
937 947RX/SX/ 957 987/150RX/SX/
Product No./ 947 977
Description Option No. (310) (315) (320) (330) (335) (340) (350)
OPT/3000 32238A $1,900 N/A $4,800 $8,600 N/A N/A N/A
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (1,900) (1,900)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (4,800)
Credit if 22809B or Opt. 240 (1,100) (1,100) (1,100) (1,100) (1,100) (1,100) (1,100)
51406A is ordered
HP LaserRX/MPE 50700B N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C
For measurement of 1-3 sys. Opt. 001 9,100 9,100 9,100 9,100 9,100 9,100 9,100
For measurement of 4-10 sys. Opt. 002 17,750 17,750 17,750 17,750 17,750 17,750 17,750
For meas. of 11 and up sys. Opt. 003 26,100 26,100 26,100 26,100 26,100 26,100 26,100
For measurement of 1 system Opt. 004 5,100 5,100 5,100 5,100 5,100 5,100 5,100
Additional analyzer software only Opt. 005 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500
Upgrade Credit for Opt. 001 Opt. 101 (9,100) (9,100) (9,100) (9,100) (9,100) (9,100) (9,100)
Upgrade Credit for all tiers Opt. 102 (18,000) (18,000) (18,000) (18,000) (18,000) (18,000) (18,000)
Upgrade Credit for Opt. 004 Opt. 103 (5,100) (5,100) (5,100) (5,100) (5,100) (5,100) (5,100)
HP GlancePlus/V 50733B 850 N/A 1,400 2,000 N/A N/A N/A
One RTU/Sublicense
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (850) (850)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (1,400)
HP PerfView MPE/iX H5291A
Agent License
Requires HP PerfView Analysis
software, H5289A (on HP 9000
Series 700), or H5324A (on HP
9000 Series 600/800).
Single node license Opt. UDE 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Up to 5 nodes Opt. UDF 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000
Up to 10 nodes Opt. UDG 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000
Up to 25 nodes Opt. UDH 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000
Up to 50 nodes Opt. UDJ 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000
Select a System Support Option. Refer to Table 6 on page 183.
Applied Computerized Telephony (ACT)
Model/Product Number/Price
917LX/927LX/ 947LX/ 922/932/ 948/935/ 949/ 958/950/ 980/100-400/
937LX/920/ 922RX 925LX/925/ 64-70/ 967LX/ 955/960/ 990/992
922LX/MICROs/ 39-58/30/33/ 957LX/ RX/SX/ 977SX/
37s/937RX/SX/ SII/SIII/ RX/SX/ 967 987RX/SX/
937 947RX/SX/ 957 987/150RX/SX/
Product No./ 947 977
Description Option No. (310) (315) (320) (330) (335) (340) (350)
ACT Call Processing Server 32044A N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C
for NT Meridian 1 PBX
ACT Call Processing Server 32044B $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30
for NT PBX
ACT Call Processing Server 32045A N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C
for NT DMS-100 Central
Office Switch
HP 3000 ACT Call 32077A 2,200 3,999 5,770 10,500 13,100 14,995 21,492
Processing API
One RTU/Sublicense
1/4-inch cartridge tape Opt. AA0 N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C
1/2-inch magnetic tape Opt. AA1 N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C
(1600 bpi)
DDS cartridge tape Opt. AAH N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C
Upgrade Credit for 310 Opt. 0CD N/A (2,200) (2,200) (2,200) (2,200) (2,200) (2,200)
Upgrade Credit for 315 Opt. 0GJ N/A (3,999) (3,999) (3,999) (3,999) (3,999)
Upgrade Credit for 320 Opt. 0CE N/A (5,770) (5,770) (5,770) (5,770)
Upgrade Credit for 330 Opt. 0CF N/A (10,500) (10,500) (10,500)
Upgrade Credit for 335 Opt. 0GL N/A (13,100) (13,100)
Upgrade Credit for 340 Opt. 0GM N/A (14,995)
ACT Call Processing Server J2122A N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C
for AT&T
Select a System Support Option. Refer to Table 6 on page 183.
Table 6. Software Support Options
Model System Support Options
Number Description 0S0 0S1 0S2 0S3 0S4 0S5 0S6 0SZ
30138A TRANSACT/iX Application Development 3GL $0 $0 $720 $720 N/A $0 $720 N/A
30167A TurboSTORE Backup Program 0 0 420 420 N/A 0 420 N/A
30234A HP SRC/V 0 0 420 420 N/A 0 420 N/A
30257A OfficeConnect to X.400/V N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 420 N/A
30291A SNA LINK/iX 540 600 1,092 1,152 N/A 720 1,272 N/A
30292A SNA NRJE/iX 0 0 552 0 N/A 0 552 N/A
30293A SNA IMF/iX 0 0 552 0 N/A 0 552 N/A
30316A HP Edit/V 0 0 420 420 N/A 0 420 N/A
30318A RPG/iX First copy 0 0 300 300 N/A 0 420 N/A
30319A TurboSTORE/iX 0 0 540 540 N/A 0 540 N/A
30328A HP SRC/iX 0 0 500 500 N/A 0 540 N/A
30349A Mirrored Disk/iX 0 0 540 540 N/A 0 540 N/A
30368B ALLBASE/SQL See current CPL
30392A HP Security Monitor/V 0 0 175 175 N/A 0 175 N/A
30601A ALLBASE/4 GL Developer Package See Table 7
30602A ALLBASE/4 GL Run-time Package 0 0 420 420 N/A 0 420 N/A
30700A ALLBASE/DB2L Connect for Series 900 0 0 540 540 N/A 0 540 N/A
31500A COBOL II/iX Compiler 0 0 540 540 N/A 0 540 N/A
31501A FORTRAN 77/iX Compiler 0 0 540 540 N/A 0 540 N/A
31502A Pascal/iX Compiler 0 0 540 540 N/A 0 540 N/A
31506A HP C/iX Compiler 0 0 540 540 N/A 0 540 N/A
31508A HP Symbolic Debugger/iX 0 0 300 300 N/A 0 540 N/A
32044A ACT Call Proc. Server for NT Meridian 1 PB N/A N/A N/A N/A 371 7,181 8,165 N/A
32044B ACT Call Proc. Server for NT PBX N/A N/A N/A N/A 371 7,181 8,165 N/A
32077A HP 3000 ACT Call Processing API 0 0 450 450 N/A 0 450 N/A
32100A SPL/V Compiler 0 0 135 135 N/A 0 135 N/A
32102B FORTRAN 66/V Compiler 0 0 135 135 N/A 0 135 N/A
32104A RPG/V Compiler 0 0 135 135 N/A 0 135 N/A
32106A Pascal/V Compiler 0 0 250 250 N/A 0 250 N/A
32111A BASIC/V Compiler 0 0 160 160 N/A 0 160 N/A
32115A HP Business BASIC/V 0 0 420 420 N/A 0 420 N/A
32116A HP FORTRAN 77/V 0 0 300 300 N/A 0 300 N/A
32154A HP Maintenance Management 0 0 3,180 3,180 N/A 0 3,180 N/A
32156A HP Maintenance Management 0 0 3,180 3,180 N/A 0 3,180 N/A
32180A APS/3000 0 0 180 180 N/A 0 180 N/A
32199A Flexible DiscCopy/3000 0 0 105 105 N/A 0 105 N/A
32205B Scientific Library 0 0 75 75 N/A 0 75 N/A
32233A COBOL II/V Compiler 0 0 420 420 101 0 420 N/A
32238A OPT/3000 0 0 420 420 N/A 0 420 N/A
32244A Dictionary/V Data Dictionary 0 0 420 420 N/A 0 420 N/A
32246A INFORM/V Query and Report Generator 0 0 420 420 N/A 0 420 N/A
32247A TRANSACT/V Application Development 3GL 0 0 420 420 N/A 0 420 N/A
32254A System Dictionary/V 0 0 420 420 N/A 0 420 N/A
32255A Sys. Dictionary COBOL Definition Extractor 0 0 200 200 N/A 0 200 N/A
32256A System Dictionary/iX 0 0 250 250 N/A 0 250 N/A
32257A Sys. Dictionary COBOL Definition Extractor 0 0 100 100 N/A 0 100 N/A
32267A HP Materials Mgt. Advanced Customization 0 0 540 540 N/A 0 540 N/A
32270A HP Production Management 0 0 1,860 1,860 N/A 0 1,860 N/A
32279A HP Maintenance Mgt. Advanced Customization 0 0 540 540 N/A 0 540 N/A
32305A HP General Ledger/3000 0 0 1,860 1,860 N/A 0 1,860 N/A
32306A HP Dual Ledger 0 0 540 540 N/A 0 540 N/A
32307A HP Allocator 0 0 540 540 N/A 0 540 N/A
32308A HP Accounts Payable/3000 0 0 1,860 1,860 N/A 0 1,860 N/A
32309A HP Accounts Receivable/3000 0 0 1,860 1,860 N/A 0 1,860 N/A
0S0: LTU SW/Next Day HW 0S2: Tel SW/Next Day HW 0S4: Inst./Ntwk. Confg. Cust. Inst. Prod. 0S6: Tel SW/24 x 7 HW
0S1: LTU SW/Same Day HW 0S3: Tel SW/Same Day HW 0S5: LTU SW/24 x 7 HW 0SZ: Ntwk. Confg. - HP Inst. Prod.
Table 6. Software Support Options (cont'd)
Model System Support Options
Number Description 0S0 0S1 0S2 0S3 0S4 0S5 0S6 0SZ
32311A HP Interface Facility $0 $0 $540 $540 N/A $0 $540 N/A
32339A HP Financial Accounting Bundle 0 0 3,180 3,180 N/A 0 3,180 N/A
32350A Toolset/V Program Development Environment 0 0 225 225 N/A 0 225 N/A
32399A HP Standard Cost Management 0 0 1,860 1,860 N/A 0 1,860 N/A
32426A ALLBASE/QUERY Interface to ALLBASE/iX 0 0 540 540 N/A 0 540 N/A
32428A Migration Toolset N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
32434A HP TapeMaker 0 0 420 420 N/A 0 420 N/A
32564E Cooperative Services 0 0 200 200 N/A 0 200 N/A
32564L Cooperative Services 0 0 150 150 N/A 0 150 N/A
32570B Cooperative Services dev. kit for MPE/V 0 0 420 420 N/A 0 420 N/A
32571A Cooperative Services dev. kit for MPE/iX 0 0 540 540 6,800 0 540 N/A
32583F AdvancePrint single user kit 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A
32583J AdvancePrint software user license 0 0 54 54 N/A 0 54 N/A
32630A HP Production Mgt. Advanced Customization 0 0 540 540 N/A 0 540 N/A
32636A HP Production Planning/PC 0 0 540 540 N/A 0 540 N/A
32656A HP EDIT/iX 0 0 450 450 N/A 0 450 N/A
32715A HP Business BASIC/iX 0 0 540 540 N/A 0 540 N/A
32903A HP Materials Management Model 20 0 0 1,860 1,860 N/A 0 1,860 N/A
32909A HP Lot Control and Traceability 0 0 1,860 1,860 N/A 0 1,860 N/A
32920A HP Production Cost Management 0 0 1,860 1,860 N/A 0 1,860 N/A
32922A HP PCM Advanced Customization 0 0 540 540 N/A 0 540 N/A
32923A Upgrd from MM II Core to MM II Core Adv. ver. 0 0 1,860 1,860 N/A 0 1,860 N/A
32924A Upgd from HP Mat. Mgt. Mdl. 10/20 to MM Adv 0 0 1,860 1,860 N/A 0 1,860 N/A
32925A Upgd from HP Mat. Mgt. Mdl. 30 to MM Adv 0 0 1,860 1,860 N/A 0 1,860 N/A
32926A HP Materials Management Advanced version 0 0 3,180 3,180 N/A 0 3,180 N/A
32927A Upgrade MM II to MM II Advanced version 0 0 1,860 1,860 N/A 0 1,860 N/A
34006A HP Purchasing 0 0 1,860 1,860 N/A 0 1,860 N/A
34009A HP Purchasing Advanced Customization 0 0 540 540 N/A 0 540 N/A
34022A Advanced Customization for MM II family 0 0 1,860 1,860 N/A 0 1,860 N/A
34024A HP Maintenance Mgt. MICRO 3000LX 0 0 3,180 3,180 N/A 0 3,180 N/A
34025A Materials Mgt. II Process-Repetitive Core 0 0 5,820 5,820 N/A 0 5,820 N/A
34026A HP Manufacturing Management II Core 0 0 5,820 5,820 N/A 0 5,820 N/A
34027A HP Manufacturing Mgt. II, with MM Adv. 0 0 5,820 5,820 N/A 0 5,820 N/A
35350A Financial Budgeting 0 0 1,860 1,860 N/A 0 1,860 N/A
35360A Business Report Writer/iX 0 0 540 540 N/A 0 540 N/A
35361A Business Report Writer Desk/iX 0 0 540 540 N/A 0 540 N/A
35365A HP BRW-Desk/V 0 0 420 420 N/A 0 420 N/A
36020A TurboIMAGE DBchg/V Cap. Exp. & Restruc. Util. 0 0 200 200 N/A 0 200 N/A
36044A Toolset/iX 0 0 540 540 N/A 0 540 N/A
36070A HP BRW/V, Report Writing System 0 0 420 420 N/A 0 420 N/A
36215A HP SQL/V, Relational Database Mgt. System 462 462 700 700 N/A 462 700 N/A
36375A AutoRestart/iX 0 0 540 540 N/A 0 540 N/A
36378A SPU SwitchOver/iX 0 0 540 540 N/A 0 540 N/A
36381A HP Search/V 0 0 135 135 N/A 0 540 N/A
36382A HP Browse/V 0 0 135 135 N/A 0 135 N/A
36383A HP Search/iX for HP 3000 0 0 135 135 N/A 0 135 N/A
36384A HP Browse/iX for HP 3000 0 0 135 135 N/A 0 135 N/A
36386A HP DBChange Plus 0 0 450 450 N/A 0 450 N/A
36387A TurboSTORE/iX II 0 0 552 552 N/A 0 552 N/A
36388A TurboSTORE/iX II with on-line backup 0 0 552 552 N/A 0 552 N/A
36397A TurboSTORE/iX II w/sup. for rewritable opt dsk 0 0 552 552 N/A 0 552 N/A
36398A TurboSTORE/iX II w/on-ln bkp & rewrit opt dsk 0 0 552 552 N/A 0 552 N/A
36567A HP DeskManager PLUS Electronic Mail Sys. 0 0 552 552 N/A 0 552 N/A
36570A HP DeskManager Electronic Mail System 0 0 552 552 N/A 0 552 N/A
0S0: LTU SW/Next Day HW 0S2: Tel SW/Next Day HW 0S4: Inst./Ntwk. Confg. Cust. Inst. Prod. 0S6: Tel SW/24 x 7 HW
0S1: LTU SW/Same Day HW 0S3: Tel SW/Same Day HW 0S5: LTU SW/24 x 7 HW 0SZ: Ntwk. Confg. - HP Inst. Prod.
Table 6. Software Support Options (cont'd)
Model System Support Options
Number Description 0S0 0S1 0S2 0S3 0S4 0S5 0S6 0SZ
36913A Database Tools/V TurboIMAGE Database Pkg N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
36914A TurboIMAGE Profiler/V $0 $0 $420 $420 N/A $0 $420 N/A
36923A ThinLAN/iX 0 0 552 552 N/A 0 552 N/A
36936A HP OpenView Console 0 0 600 600 186 0 600 N/A
36937A Managed Series 9xx Node 0 0 420 420 96 0 552 N/A
36938A HP OpenView Sys. Manager Managed Node/V 0 0 420 420 N/A 0 420 N/A
50700B HP LaserRX/MPE 0 0 540 540 N/A 0 540 N/A
50733B HP GlancePlus/V 0 0 150 150 N/A 0 150 N/A
92616A HP S/W Int. Sockets for MPE/XL/iX Run-time lic. 0 0 240 240 N/A 0 240 N/A
92767A HP S/W Int. Sockets for MPE/XL/iX Dev. kit 0 0 1,080 1,080 N/A 0 1,080 N/A
99940A Transform/IBM Tools and Utilities 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A
99941A PROCMON Process Monitor Menu Processor 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A
B1764B HP RX Forecast 356 356 540 540 N/A 0 120 N/A
B1776A HP SPT/iX Collector 0 0 160 160 N/A 0 160 N/A
B1777A HP SPT/iX Analyzer 0 0 540 540 N/A 0 540 N/A
B1787B HP GlancePlus for MPE/iX See Table 7
B1821A HP FM General Ledger 0 0 1,860 1,860 N/A 0 1,860 N/A
B1822A HP FM Accounts Payable 0 0 1,860 1,860 N/A 0 1,860 N/A
B1823A HP FM Accounts Receivable 0 0 1,860 1,860 N/A 0 1,860 N/A
B1824A HP FM Financial Management Core 0 0 3,180 3,180 N/A 0 3,180 N/A
B1825A HP FM Financial Management 0 0 3,180 3,180 N/A 0 3,180 N/A
B1826A HP FM GL Migration (from HP FA) 0 0 540 540 N/A 0 540 N/A
B1827A HP FM AP Migration (from HP FA) 0 0 540 540 N/A 0 540 N/A
B1828A HP FM AR Migration (from HP FA) 0 0 540 540 N/A 0 540 N/A
B1829A HP MAX/iX Advanced Customization 0 0 540 540 N/A 0 540 N/A
B2130A HP Manufacturing Mgt. II for MPE/iX 0 0 5,820 5,820 N/A 0 5,820 N/A
B2131A HP Manufacturing Mgt. II Core for MPE/iX 0 0 5,820 5,820 N/A 0 5,820 N/A
B2132A HP MRP Action Manager for NewWave 0 0 1,860 1,860 N/A 0 1,860 N/A
B2134A HP Easy Search for Mfg. 0 0 552 552 N/A 0 552 N/A
B2135A HP Easy Search for Maint. 0 0 552 552 N/A 0 552 N/A
B2472A HP OpenODB Developer Release N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
B2492A Trial copy of TurboSTORE/iX II w/on-line bkup N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 165 N/A
B2494A ALLBASE/Replicate N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
B2953A HP GlancePlus Pak for MPE/iX See Table 7
B2954A HP GlancePlus Pak for MPE/V 0 0 270 270 N/A 0 270 N/A
B3115A Information Access Client license See current CPL
B3140A Information Access Client media and manuals See current CPL
B3160A Information Access Server/iX See current CPL
B3161A Information Access Server/V See current CPL
B3162A Information Access Server SQL/iX See current CPL
B3482A SharePlex Facility/iX See current CPL
D2101B AdvanceMail - U.S. version 0 0 75 75 N/A 0 75 N/A
D2102-60004 AdvanceLink/MS-DOS single user upgrade N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
D2102B AdvanceLink/MS-DOS single copy 0 0 75 75 N/A 0 75 N/A
D2103D NewWave Mail for Desk 0 0 75 75 N/A 0 75 N/A
D2104-60015 AdvanceLink/Windows NW single copy upgrd N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
D2104C AdvanceLink/Windows NW single copy 0 0 75 75 N/A 0 75 N/A
D2107A AdvanceLink/Macintosh single copy 0 0 75 75 N/A 0 75 N/A
D2108C AdvanceLink/Windows NW single user upgrd N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
D2111B AdvanceMail single user license 0 0 75 75 N/A 0 75 N/A
D2112B AdvanceLink/MS-DOS right to copy 0 0 75 75 N/A 0 75 N/A
D2113D NewWave Mail single user license 0 0 75 75 N/A 0 75 N/A
D2114C AdvanceLink/Windows NW right to copy 0 0 75 75 N/A 0 75 N/A
D2117A AdvLink/Color Graphics user lic. cert. for Mac. 0 0 75 75 N/A 0 75 N/A
0S0: LTU SW/Next Day HW 0S2: Tel SW/Next Day HW 0S4: Inst./Ntwk. Confg. Cust. Inst. Prod. 0S6: Tel SW/24 x 7 HW
0S1: LTU SW/Same Day HW 0S3: Tel SW/Same Day HW 0S5: LTU SW/24 x 7 HW 0SZ: Ntwk. Confg. - HP Inst. Prod.
Table 6. Software Support Options (cont'd)
Model System Support Options
Number Description 0S0 0S1 0S2 0S3 0S4 0S5 0S6 0SZ
D2412A Officefax for HP Deskmanager $0 $0 $240 $240 N/A $0 $240 N/A
D2413A Officefax for HP Openmail 0 0 240 240 N/A 0 240 N/A
D2432B AdvanceLink/MS-DOS right to copy upgrade 0 0 75 75 N/A 0 75 N/A
D2433D NewWave Mail user license upgrade N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
D2434C AdvanceLink/Windows NW right to copy upgrd 0 0 75 75 N/A 0 75 N/A
D2506A HP Software Vendor 0 0 420 420 N/A 0 420 N/A
H5291A HP PerfView MPE/iX Agent License 0 0 540 540 N/A 0 540 N/A
J2122A ACT Call Processing Server for AT&T N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
0S0: LTU SW/Next Day HW 0S2: Tel SW/Next Day HW 0S4: Inst./Ntwk. Confg. Cust. Inst. Prod. 0S6: Tel SW/24 x 7 HW
0S1: LTU SW/Same Day HW 0S3: Tel SW/Same Day HW 0S5: LTU SW/24 x 7 HW 0SZ: Ntwk. Confg. - HP Inst. Prod.
To order the System Support Options T = Phone-in assistance, lic- 3. Locate the System Support
where the option contains an ense to use software updates, price for the product tier.
alpha character (e.g. 0SA-0SY): media documentation, HP
SupportLine access. 4. Order.
1. Select appropriate product access.
(tier option). A. Product number
LTU = License to use soft- B. 0S (alpha noted in
2. Determine desired level of ware updates, media/doc- parentheses)
support for the software umentation updates HP
indicated by the column SupportLine access.
Table 7. Product-Specific Structure
*Telephone *LTU
0S ( ) 0S ( )
Model No. Option Insert Ltr Price Insert Ltr Price 0S4
30601A 310 A 800 B 0 N/A
315 C 1,000 D 0 N/A
320 E 1,100 F 0 N/A
330 G 1,150 H 0 N/A
335 J 1,200 K 0 N/A
340 L 1,300 M 0 N/A
350 N 1,400 P 0 N/A
B1787B 310 A 135 B 0 N/A
315 C 188 D 0 N/A
320 E 225 F 0 N/A
330 G 330 H 0 N/A
335 J 413 K 0 N/A
340 L 458 M 0 N/A
350 N 600 P 0 N/A
B2953A 310 A 264 B 0 N/A
315 C 324 D 0 N/A
320 E 372 F 0 N/A
330 G 468 H 0 N/A
335 J 552 K 0 N/A
340 L 612 M 0 N/A
350 N 636 P 0 N/A
J2246A 001 A 36 B 36 N/A
002 C 180 D 180 N/A
003 E 600 F 600 N/A
004 G 1,200 H 1,200 N/A
005 J 3,000 K 3,000 N/A
* Software support only.